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thocht senne and considerit wytht mature deliberatioune
and wytht ane assent and consent to have set and for
maile lattin and be the tenour of thir our present letteris
settis and for maile lattis to our lovittis David Clerk and
Katrine Spittall his spouss and to Wiljaime Clerk thair
sonne and apperand ayre and to the langaris levaris of
thame coniunctlie and severle and to thair assignaes ane
or ma and to thair subtenentis lauboraris of the grund
quhatsumever all and haille our landis of Croftgare and
Brego wytht all profittis bondis infeyld outfeyld pastoring
of gudis and all otheris thair pertinentis siclik far and
neire as the said David and Katerine and thair sonne
Wi^aime hed and brukit the day and dait of the making
of thir presentis and usit in assedatioun langtyme and
mony 3eris of before for all the dais and termes of nyne-
tenne 3eris nixt efter thair entres : Quhilk entres of the
saidis David Katerine his spouss Wil3aime thair sonne
and ayre the langaris levaris of thaim coniunctlie and
severle and thair assignaeis ane or ma and their sub¬
tenentis lauboraris of the grund to be and begyne at the
terme and fest of witsonday in the 3ere of God jm vc and
fourte ane 3ere And frathynne furtht tha and ilkane of
thaime to uiss laboure and put to thair profit all and
sindre the forsaidis landis wytht thair profittis and pertin¬
entis but ony stop or impediment ay and quhill the saidis
nynetenn 3eris be haile compleit and outrun : Payand
thairfor 3erele the saidis David Clerk Katerine his spouss
Wil3aime thair sonne and air the langaris levaris of thaime
thair assignaes ane or ma and thair subtenentis to ws and
oure successouris abbay and factouris haiffand our powere
in gud mony of this realme of Scotland the soume of
tenne pundis of penny maile at tua wint termes in the
3ere witsonday and mertymes in winter be equale myd
portiones to say tenn merkis for the land of Croftgare
and fif merkis for the land of Brego 3erely and termely
wytht thre dosoune of pultre sufficient cok or hen at
3ole and fasteranis evin wytht thrette scheire dawirkis
in harvist to the fermorar of Donibirsill quhatsumevir
wytht all other dewateis dew service ariege carieg aucht

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