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Quhilk I wald to God war nocht consideringe I knaw we ar sa weill
myndit to utheris quhilk God willinge sail continewe without the faill be
in your Lordship. The rest to your Lordshipis wisdoum and ansuer and sa
committis your Lordship to the protectioun of the Lord God. At Balloch
the xvi of September 1571. Your Lordshipis cousinge at his powar.
193 Lady Glenorchy to Lilias Ruthven, Lady Drummond (draft)
GDI 12/39/14/20
16 September 15711, Balloch Castle
[No address]
Sister efter my hertlye commondatiounis. The Lard my husband hes
wrytin to your Lord consorning his bissanes ofFAbirlednoch quhairby ye
may persaif that he is nocht willing that thair suld be ony trubill or
desentioun betuix my Lord Drummondis houss and his hous.2 Quharfoir
I pray your Ladyship consult with God and your awin visdome and
considder how gud it is to haif frindis at amitie and concord and speciaHe
now in this trubillas tyme and sen thair is na causs off onkyndnes or
desention betuix thair housses as yit bot sic as may be esilie mendit with
gud wordis and famiharitie. I pray yow lat nocht uther mens particularis
raiss sic trubillis betuix thaime quharto we ar nocht abill to put remied.
For gift" thar twa housses fall to discord as God forbid thay do it wilbe
wilbe [sic] ane gretar dissplesoure to yow and me nor ony that we haif
senen yit considering we ar sisteris and hes sum credeit off the housses we
ar in. The comoun pipill will bruit ws3 giff thair cumis ony ewill amang
frindis quhilk mowis me to wryt this to your Ladyship. The rest to your
Ladyshipis wisdome and ansur as ye think gud. Committing your Ladyship
to the protexioun off the Lord God. At Balloch the xvi day off September.
194 Glenorchy to James Menzies ofWeem (draft) GDI 12/39/12/5
before 23 April 15724
[No address]
Honorabill Sir eftar hartle commendatiounis.Ye sail wit that sowm off
MacGregoris freindis come heir latt yestreyne that spak with yow
See 192.
Grey Colin’s letter is lost. For the Reidheugh-Murray feud: Introduction.
The fear of being criticised by the common people provides an interesting argument
to add to the general pleas not to get dragged into other men’s troubles and create a
rift between two friendly houses.
The tack for lands in Rannoch was given by James Menzies ofWeem* to Ewin
MacGregor* on 23 Apr. 1572, GD50/187/1; MacGregor/MacGregors’, 393; and

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