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wyss anechue to consider of the contends of the wther letter and do the
leikliest quhilk I remit to his awin judgement.1 I haif alreddye send away
the letteris to charge the Clanfarland towart the resait of the Lardis enemis2
thairin my Lord Regent will tak sic ordour as will stand to his contentment.
As the Laird takis purpois in this caice send me word to St Jhonstoun for
I am to be ther schordye. Excuiss the boye of hes tarye for I wes in the wit
of his stay be caus I hed nocht leaser to wrett quhill now. And sua refarrand
the rest to your advertisment committis yow in the protectioun of the
eternall.AtWemis the xxvi of September. Your assurit brother att power.
[PS] I pray yow forget nocht to send doun my sonn Duncane3 to me
how soun he be reddye.
168 Same to same GDI 12/39/11/8
1 October 1570,4 Perth
To hes syster the Lady Glenurquhay
Sister efter maist herdye commendatiounis. I thocht meit to giff yow
advertisment that tua of the Quein of Inglandes Secreit Counsell is send
down to heir our Quein to witt Secreter Sesill and Sir Walter Malme5 and
the Quein of Ingland hes desyrit my Lord Regent to send sum perfyt
man weill instructit in the common caus to ressoun upone the Queinis
deprevatioun and be hir wretting send to the Regent schow apperis to
allow alsweill of the governement in the persone of the King Majestic as
ewer she did ...6 of anye tym.The Abot of Dunfermling departis towart
Ingland7... quhill his haimcuming thir can na certentie be lukit for of the
grettest matteris in contrawersie. Giff the Laird think it to his commoditie
I wald he suld addres him to cum over and spek the Regent ... sen he
promissit it of befor now in the tym of Parlament... rather that the Erie
Athol is nocht lyk to keip tryst. At the lest I wald ... to wret sum fair
excuss to my Lord Regentis selff gif he may in cumm becaus it wilbe tain
in werrey ewell part in respect he promisit of before to cum giff he stay
The contents of these accompanying letters remain a mystery, though information
relating to the plans of the queen’s party might have been passed by Katherine and
Grey Colin to Ruthven, who supported the king’s party: Introduction.
Copy of the legal letters, GD112/1/193.
Black Duncan*, Ruthven’s godson.
See 167.
Sir William Cecil, Queen Elizabeth’s secretary, and Sir Walter Mildmay. Their
commission was given in Sept. 1570: CSP Scot., iii, 366.
Ellipses represent damage to MS.
Robert Pitcairn, commendator of Dunfermline, was negotiating with Thomas
Randolph, the English ambassador, at the start of Oct. but was not sent to England
until 16 Oct.: CSP Scot., iii, 369, 377, 397-8.

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