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that the Clanewin1 hes promussit now to fulfyll that quhilk lang abefFor
that quhilk thair condesioun2 was quhilk is to persew the Clangregor to
the wttermaist quhilk I thocht goud to mak yow adwerteisement. Yit
thay feir that in cuming throcht your boundis for this affek that your
serwandis and the Erlls off Argylhs quha ar now put furthe sail do thaim
harme. Thair for wald haiff your assurrance that thay may freily pass
throcht your cuntray for doing off the caussis forsaid quhilkis I think ye
can nocht refuis.3 Asalsua [sic] thinkis best that ye gat thaim onderstand
be soum way ffome yow that ye will be thair ffeind gyff thai keip thair
promeiss towart the persewing off the Clangregor and that thay sail haiff
fre passaige throw your cuntray they keipand thair condesioun. In the
primyss giffye think ony wayis this purpoiss no goud adversteiss me again
wtherwayis send me the assurrance to ...4 forsaid. Sua nocht willing to
troubill yow ony forder at this present. Committis yow to God. From
Blare in Atholl this viii day of July be your ...
[PS] I haiff bein trewelland with my Lady Argyle tuiting the purpoiss5
ye knaw ye sail resaiff hir ansur again to me in wreit quhair be ye may
persaiffhir mynd.61 haiff writtin to my Lord Drummond and soum wtheris
in Stratherne anent the Clengregor as ye may persaiff be the coppeis
thairof quhilk ye sail resaiff fra this berrar.7
113 Patrick Murray of Tibbermuir to Lady GlenorchyGD112/39/7/l
10 July 1570,8 Perth
To the rycht honorabill and hes special ant my Lady Glenurquhay
Maistres efter maist hertly commendaciouns of service. This salbe to
certefie your Ladyship that I rasavit your wreiting direct fra your Ladyship
at midsomer with Wilham Ruthven my cousing to rasave fra your Ladyship
be hym ane tarsell of goshalk9 quhilk I did quhairof I thank your Ladyship
maist hertfulhe. Bot the berar heid brokyn hes bac quarthrouch he culd
do me na plesour. Bot I am informit that your Ladyship heis ane goshalk
Donald MacEwan Cameron* was serving Grey Colin (127), but his ‘help’ caused
problems: MacGregor,‘MacGregors’, 380.
Grey Cohn gave this assurance on 13 July 1570, GD112/43/2/3.
Ellipses represent damage to MS.
Presumably, touching the purpose.
The marital problems between Argyll and Countess of Argyll*, probably enclosing
There are draft letters dated 11 July 1570 from Atholl* to David, 2nd Lord
Drummond*, John Comrie of Comrie, Robert Murray of Abercairney and William
Reidheugh of Cultybraggan, GDI 12/39/8/7-8.
Tibbermuir* refers to receiving a letter from Katherine at Midsummer, 21 June, and
to the choosing of Regent Lennox in July 1570.
A tercel or male goshawk.

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