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Satterday1 at ewyn with the chifteinis as I spak to yow of the quhilk ye
wilbe content. Alss I sail send the namis of my men in wrete to yow and
thaim that cumis nocht bayth ye and I sail towart thaim quhen tyme
occuris and remember on thaim. Alss quhar ye wrete that this byssynes
ryndis to2 yowr honour ye salbe assurit that quhat I may do under God
sayfand my Lord of Argyllis honour is and salbe reddy at your command
and the rather for your adwertisment off the samyn ondowtly. Alss quhar
ye bad me spek Gillespik MacEan MacKallen I hayf done the samyn
alreddy as I had commissioun of yow. Towart that byssynes ye sail wit that
sayfand my Lordis honour and ye getand his leyf and als ye knawand how
my Lord of Atholl and his serwandis ar myndit to him and his fader and
frendis and the hoyll men off Bray Coaldych. That beand appoyntit he
wilbe at command and will not mak nay sure promiss unto the tyme that
I cum and talk yow in forder byssness towart him. And toward Maclanis
attowr ye sail wit assuritly that it is trewly spokyn to me and tald me
effecteously that the Klan Dondochy3 hes promistit faythfully to tak
Maclanis and deliver him to Johne Campell4 and his sonis as ane contract
maid betuix thaim beiris.Thairfor I pray yow and assure yow that ye stay
him fray cuming to thaim in ony wyss or ellis he wilbe in handis for he
wes lattly in talkyn with thaim. Thairfor do efter your wisdoum to sayf
him as I dowt not bot ye will.Attour becauss thare is sum secretis in this
wretyng I pray yow efter the redyng and consideryng off the samyn that
ye ryf5 the samyn that nane unfrendis get the samyn nor rede it. As I dout
nocht bot ye will the rather for this my request. Hayfand na forder
occasioun at this present bot referis the rest to yowr nyxt adwertisment
and the eternall hayf yow in his protexioun. At Dunollycht the 27 June
1570. Be youris gud frend and erne at all power to command as knawis
God reddy.
[PS] The wreter heirof Jhone Salmond6 makis his hertlyest
recommendatouns and serwyss to your Maister and to Andro Quhite and
Jamis Ruthwen and all serwandis.
1 July.
Touches upon.
Probably the Campbells of Inverawe.
Possibly Lochnell.
Tear up.
John Salmond was a notary pubbc and a burgess of Perth, 23 Oct. 1572, AT, vi, 193c;

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