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mynd and to lat hym wyt I wald not hayfbelyf it that he wald parswe ony
of my freindis.And I hayfstentit ane ost this day to pass ...1 forward and to
be in Glenfalloch the x day of this instant.The stent of this ost is ane man
out of ilk mark land for viii or x dayis. All wayis I pray yow to send fyf or
sayx skoir of youris to Glenfalloch the sayd day wyt swm honast men to
be thair captens and gyf neid be I can send warnyt all the rest of my
cwntry to be in redyness to pass wyt my self gyf neid be.2 Gyf ye get ony
newis lat me knaw the sam and I sail do the lyk. I will send my broder
Collin ... byt that mein gyf he may kyp tryst for he is in Knapdeill.3 All
wayis I will do all at I may.This fair weill. Fra Stralachan this v day of May
1570.Your asswrit cosing.
[PS] Commend me to your bedfallow.
94 ArgyU to Lady Glenorchy GDI 12/39/7/5
30 May 1570, Dunoon
To owre aunt the Lady Glenurquhay
Aunt eftir our hertlie commendatiounis.The tyme of the departing of
Coleine Leiche fra ws wes sa haistelie that we had na tyme to writt to
yow.4 Bot we beleif he hes schawin yow sum part of our mynd as we
ordanit him. And in safar as we fand in our passage throw the cuntre the
place of Glenurquhay5 haldin as ane fortres nocht preparit as we wald
have belevit to our honour passand with strangearis quhome we wald
have thocht the place of Glenurquhay honestilie preparit for ws mair
kyndlie nor MacGregors. And sa lang as the samin standis in maner as we
fand it we will beir it in mynd. Bot we wald wiss at God that we had na
thing in memorie of our ffeindis bot thair welth quha ar myndit to our
honour and nocht agains ws.Ye sail reid your husbandis writing and ye
may persaife sum part be the samin.6 Farder at this present we will nocht
writt bot committis yow to God. Off Denune the pennult day of Maii
1570.Your gowd frynd.
[PS] We regard nocht samekill meit nor drink as the yettis haldin fast of
our fireindis hous aganis ws.
1 Ellipses represent damage to MS.
2 For the military arrangements: Introduction, 47.
3 Colin Campbell of Boquhan*, the earl of Argyll’s half-brother and future 6th earl,
who was in Knapdale.
4 Cohn MacLachlan of Craigenterve* who was involved in the antenuptial contract
made between Margaret, Grey Colin’s daughter, and Alan MacDougall of Raray, 31
May 1570, GDI 12/2/116/5.
5 Kilchurn Castle at the top of Loch Awe. For this incident: Introduction.
6 The letter to Grey Colin is lost.

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