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is myndit thairto.
91 Archibald (MacDonchy) Campbell of Inverawe to Glenorchy
GDI 12/39/6/26
5 March 1569, Inverawe (Taynuilt)
To the honorabill man CoUin Campbell of Glennurquhay
Rycht honorabill Schir efter bardie commendationis of my humill
service.Ye sail wit that the Pryour of Ardchattan1 hes requestit and optenit
ane precept fra my Lord2 to Donald Oig MacAne to follow and perschew
your servand and tenent Molcallam MacAne Duiffe in Acharyrae3 for ane
allegeance that he wes at the taking of certain ky fra the saidis Donald
Oigis fader quhan Donald Dowffe MacDouill wes conwoyt and laid out
of Inverraray, quhilk wes fals. And thairfoir quhan thai wald spolyie your
ground and wplift all the said Malcallumis gudis and geir be the crauvare4
and my Lordis caittoun I held the samyn to your cuming to the cuntre on
the ground and fand sourities that the said Molcallum suld underly the
law for the said allegeance. Bot becaus this wes wrocht be the said Pryour
gif ye think it guid or necessar ye sail writ to the said Pryour to be nocht
sa sair on your servandis in your awin absens and speciallie on your man
or ellis he may nocht manure your ground. And that he put na fardar at
him thairanens quhill your awin cuming to thir partis and that ye adverteis
me gif ye will requyr of the said Molcallum to cum to spek with your self
thairanent or quhane he sail meite yow. Fardar I pray yow affecteuslie to
send suim attentik5 servand of your awin to resaiffthe rest of my sylver fra
Neill MacAllester viz ane hunderethe merkis becaus I haiff send my
discharge to this affecte quhilk ye sail send thame and gett your awin
discharge6 agane. And caus keipe the said monie quhill I cum thair my
selff or quhill ye se suim suere servand of your awin betuix. Fardar pleis
gifcredens to the berar.And committis yow to the protectioun of allmychty
God. Off Inverraw the fyft of Merche 1568.Yours awin werray assuret to
John Campbell.
The earl of Argyll.
Probably Acharra in Appin, Lorn.
Possibly derived from ‘crave’, a legal demand.
Authentic or reliable.
Discharge by Archibald MacDonchy (Campbell) of Inverawe* to Laird of Gardelie
and Neil Stewart of Fassycht in name of John, earl ofAtholl*, of200 merks, 24 Feb.
1569, GDI 12/23/1/14.

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