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Madam efter my hertlie recommendatiounis. I resavit your writting
and understandis be the samyn the Laird your husbandis gude mynde
towart me of the quhilk I thank yow hertlie. And als I persave sum
inpedimentis apperand till occur quhairby ye desyre the day appointit in
Edinburgh to the Lairdis thaircuming till be continewit. I think ye do
knaw the unfreindis that ye haif in court quha will be glayd to find ony
occasioun to put your husband in the Quenis disfavouris giff thay may
lyk as thay haif gayn aboute till do the samyn sen your parting. Quhairfor
my counsall is that the Laird faill nocht till keip the said day giff it be
possible.1 For I trest swrelie he may repair to the courte and do his besnes
without danger of warding or ony uther inconuenient for he may be
assurit he sail want na gude will nor favour that lyis in my power like as
God willing he sail rather knaw be experience nor wordis. For instantle I
knaw swrelie the Quenis Majeste hes na uder nor ane gude opinioun of
him. Referand all uder thingis till meting desiring your Ladyship in the
mene tyme till mak my maist hertlie commendatioun till him. And thus
committis till the protectioun of the Almychty. At Burly the xxvi of
December 1565. Be your Ladyshipis verray gude and loving freind at
77 William Maitland of Lethington to Lady Glenorchy
GDI 12/39/5/15
27 December 1565, Edinburgh
...2 Lady the ... wrquhay
Maistres after maist hartlie commendatioun. I ressavit your wryting frome
the bearer your servand and hes commonit with hym in all thingis. And
quheras ye wryte unto me to desyr my counsale quhether gif your husband
may cume in saiflie or not to the Quenes Majestic I think that he may
weill aneuch come without ony danger and I traist he sail find the Quenes
Majestic accept him thankfullie.3 And best it is that he faill not to be heir
at the appoyntit day and sa referring all other thingis to meting. I commit
yow to God. Frome Edinburch the xxvii day of December 1565.Youris
cousin at all powar to command.
There was an attempt to get the date for Grey Cohn’s summons before the council
postponed but the strong advice here is to come for the due date. It is assumed that
Katherine will also come to Court.
Ellipses represent damage to MS.
This was the same advice as that given by Morton* to Katherine, 26 Dec. 1565 (76).

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