Series 1 > Loyall dissuasive

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This bears a note, £ The following paper, entitled, “ The Case
of Alleadgeance Brieflie Stated,” was written at the end of the
former Dissuasive (or Manuscript) be way of Appendix.”
To this, in faded ink, in a hand of much later date, is added,
we presume, as giving the title of the Paper referred to in the
‘ The Loyalist’s Reasons for his professing Obedience and
‘ Swearing Allegiance to the present Government, by Sir
£ Francis Grant (Lord Cullen).1 Edinr., 1689.’
2nd. ‘Sir John M‘Lean’s Remarks’ (on the Loyall Dissuasive), a
paper of sixteen pages. The note is ‘The Learned and
‘ Ingenious Sir John Mackleane made the following
‘ Remarks upon the forsaid Dissuasive.’
3rd. Next follows in twenty-two pages :—
‘ A Supplement To The former Dissuasive B Way of Answer
‘ To Some Ingenious remarks, made upon it, by a person of
‘ Quality of great Sence and Learning. Wherein some of its
‘ passages are made more plain and set in their true Light
‘ by Sir /Eneas M‘pherson of Invereshie Knight Author of
‘ the Dissuasive.
‘ As Iron Whetteth Iron
So doth one witt ane other.
‘Edinburgh, Sept. 12, ITOL’
4th. In thirty-seven pages we next have
‘ Vanitie Exposed or a plain and short Answer To a late peaper,
‘ Intitled, the Genealogie of the Farquharson’s, wherein
‘ the Author’s Ignorance and Self Contradictions are sett in
‘ their true light And the Right Genealogy of that modern
‘ family briefly hinted at from the Concurring testimonies of
‘ the Shaws, the Farquharsons themselves, and all their
‘ neighbour families. In a letter to a Friend By no Enemy
‘ of theirs, but a friend to truth.’
(In another hand there is added here)
‘Sir iEneas M‘pherson of Invereshie Knight.
‘Answer a fool in his folly Least he be wise in his own conceit.—Solomon.
‘Edinburgh, 1704.’
1 This information as to the opponent of Sir /Eneas should have formed
ote at p. 95.

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