Series 1 > Loyall dissuasive

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charge given to the said Duncan Macpherson of Cluny to have
compeared and to have brought with him the foirsaid lettres and
charges, grounds and warrants quhairupoun the same proceids
and to have heard and sein the same and haill effect and execu-
tioun thairof suspendit upoun the saids complainers as the said
lettres executioune thairof, and indorsations thairof at lenth
' Quhilke being called and the said Duncan Macpherson of
Cluny, charger, compeirand personally, quho exhibite and gave in
a Disclamatioune of the foirsaid Suspensioun and haill reasons
thairof under the hands of the said Alexr M°Pherson of Pitmean
Lauchlan Macpherson tutor thairof John Macpherson of Inverishie,
and John Macpherson of Shirsbeg dated the 6th day of November
instant; and the rest of the persons at whose instance the said
Suspension is raised being oft tymes called and not compeirand ;
and the said Laird of Macintosh compeirand personally.
‘ The Lords of his Maties Privy Councill having heard and con¬
sidered the reasons of suspensioun foirsaid with quhat ffarder wes
allegeit be ayther pairtie, ordaines the Band of Cautiounrie given
by the said Duncan Macpherson of Cluny for the peace of the High¬
lands quhairin he is designed Chieffe of the Macphersons, and the
lettres of relieffe raised at his instance as Chieffe of that name, with
the haill Bands of Relieffe taken by him thairupon, from the Mac¬
phersons as Chieffe of that Clann to be retired; And ordaines the
said Duncan Macpherson of Cluny to give a new band for himselfe,
his men tenents, servants, indwellers upon his lands, rowmes and
possessiounes and the haill persons of his name descendit of his
familly and that lettres be direct at his instance against them for
thair releiffe accordingly.’
'Copied from an old abstract or copy of the record of Privy
Council belonging to the Skene Library, and at present in the
General Register House.
‘ The original record is I believe complete at this period, and may
be referred to if thought necessary.
' Given to me by Donald Gregory, 10th June 1833.'
Duncan eventually succeeded in gathering his people about
him, so that iEneas could say, ‘ For your own kindred in and
about Badenoch, all of them without the exception of one
Recusant, cheerfully submitted to your right, paying you

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