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Uol- 61.}
8 Feb.
io Feb.
Reasons of
On Wedensday morning sp. On Foorsday came neu letters
fra G. Wyndrhame of 32 thous. horse and 60 thous. foot, and
great bruits of divisions and defections amongst us.
Upon Frayday I wryte to my Lord Loudon my judgment
anent matters, that the Lord wald drau his people to the
mount, thair to be seien be them the mor visibly; and that,
upon thair weaknes and the pouer of his enemies as upon tuo
pillers, he wald erect a touer of renomme to himselth ; so also,
by suffering his people to contineu in securetie and senslesnes,
he was to manifest the mor sensible freidom of his undeserved
goodnes to. so misdeserving and indisposed a people, that
the croun of his glory, quhilk he is winning, might be seien to
be plet with the threie links of a visible pouer, wysdome,
and undeserved freidome of ane unexpected kyndnes, I
was thinking that, apearantly, the Lord was praepairing
a judgment for Ingland, quhilk was lyklie to aryse eyther
by a mutinie of the people Protestant against the Popisch
armee led by Popisch comanders, or by the King of France
his invasion in the mean tyme, or by the Lords removeal
of C.
On Saturday the Acts of Assemblee came out; I pray God
direct me anent thair pryces, and if that be the way of his
releiving my burthens I craive his blissing thairto.
On Sunday I thought thair was many necessar things to
be thought on as reasons for defence, treu stait of the
quaestion, reason of putting every on to it nou to declaire
On Monday morning sp.; thairafter begoud to fall
to the hypothesis of resistance in Scotland, quhairin I durst
not hope for assistance without a pardone, quhilk I begd over
and over again for Chrysts saik that my personal trans¬
gressions imped not the great work of God.
A1 that week I was busie on the quaestion of defence,
and by Gods assistance I wryte out my reasons and epito¬
mized Brutus his reasons. I wrote the stait of the quaestion;
and blisseth God for his felt assistance in al this.
On Saturday I went to the Pans, after that, on the Frayday,
I had endit a matche betuixt my sister Beatrix and the
laird of Congilton. I got good in the ryding. I heard

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