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13 Januar.
A son
minister of Edr.; and that night my wyfe, quhom the Lord
had preserved til my homcoming, travailed and about 8 hours
in the morning was lighter of a son, blissed be the good
naime of God. I got libertie in seiking of God himselth in
that blissing, and in recomending that infant unto the Lord.
At this tyme I got libertie in my familie exerces. Margret
Mitchel was in landwert seing hir guidame : schoe had spokin
sundry tymes during the Assemblee, and once after our coming
home. My mother was in the toune.
Mr. Air. Henderson teatched on Sunday foranoone upon
the first chap., Jhon v. 16, ‘And of his fulnes haive we al
receaved, grace for grace’: ane most excelent sermon; and
afternoone, for his first hansel after his entree, he baptised my
son Archbald after my L. Argyle; the witnesses wer my
L. Balmerino, the Maister of Balmerino, my L. Craighal, Sr
Leuis Steuart, Durie, Ingliston, Mr. R. Craig, Mr. Samuel
Jhonston, Archb. Cambel.1
Al this nixt week the schyres was meiting anent thair
military instructions; my wyfe was seakly; my auin mynd was
drumly; my tyme confused and on morning sp.
I had almost forgottin hou in the morning of the first of
Januar I looked bak and read over my paipers of the first of
Januar of the last yeir, and acknouledgit, first in privat and
then in publik, the manifold transgressions of myselth, of my
familie, of churche, of staite, since this tyme tuelmonth ; and
on the uther pairt, blissed the Lord for his manifold unspeak¬
able favors bestoued upon me, my familie, this churche, this
staite, since this tyme tuelmonth ; and layd a braid band befor
the Lord the manifold necessities of me, my familie, the churche,
the staite, and craived pardon that I could not get al my
paipers nou read over againe, nor al the particulars remembred ;
bot I promised to doe it quhen I got leasure, and told him
that we lipend for als great favors the nixt yeir as this bygon
from the same freie undeserved love, irresistible pouer, and
infallible wysdome, quhairupon I cust myselth, my familie,
this churche, this staite, and exspect ane occasion to fill up al
1 A note of the baptism on the cover of the volume reads : ‘Young Durie,
old Ingliston,’ and ‘Archbald Campbel to my L. Argyle.’

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