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4 July.
and protesta-
traries, loose the hardest knots, and drau unitie out of dis¬
traction, joie out of our present fears; and that, seing the
enemie, by al plots of maiking faire Proclamations to please
the people, casting in sik divisive motions amongst ourselves,
and strenthening thair pairty by maiking al non subscryv-
ing Lords the Kings Counsellers, useth and intendeth to
use al possible means to winne thair pairt, the Lord
wald be pleased to discover al thir desseings, maik us seie
through them, and resolutly to loope over al difficulties.
Al that night thou was oppressed and dulled with this greif
and fear.
On Wedensday morning, 4 July, I am assured that the
Proclamation was verry faire and comanded to draue up many
thanks to the King, quhilk weighted me mor and mor, til
being sent for I heard first of the contrary; and then at tuelth
hours on ane staige befor the Crosse I heard the Proclamation,
a damnable peice, and read the Protestation against the
Afternoone, with Mr. David Dicks help, I dreu up 24 anim¬
adversions of the damnable points in the Proclamation; and
nou this Foorsday morning, seing I am comanded, and am
rysen to wryte over the Protestation conforme to the Pro¬
clamation, I pray the Lord God from the heavin by his Sprit
to assist and direct me, his weak unworthy servant, in the
drauing of it up for the glory of his auin naime, wealfaire of
our cause, satisfaction of mens mynds, and preparation for the
event and outgait of this busines; for the quhilk from my
heart I schal thank my God in Chryst Jesus. The Lord heard
my prayer, assisted me in the drauing of it up to my auin satis¬
faction, and contentment of uthers without chainge of syllab.
That afternoon I dreu up with Mr. Air.1 that aught reasons
sent doune to Counsellers against thair ratification of it, bot
was greived to seie the Declinator put of.
On Frayday I dreu up 10 reasons against the condemnatory
pairt of the Ratification,2 quhilk mooved us to urge the rescis¬
sion of that Ratification, and to give in ane Supplication for
1 Alexander Henderson.
2 For the reasons against the Ratification, see Rothes, p. 174.

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