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DIARY, 1637-1639
a measure, is bestouing upon his reconciled spous in this bak-
slyding kingdome. Seing this is the tyme of the Lords passing
by and forgiving our Judahs despysing the oath of hir cove¬
nant, and of his remembring his covenant with hir in the dayes
of hir youth, 60 v. 16 ch. Ezek., yea of reneuing his covenant
with hir after hir whordomes and his long absence, it is a not¬
able opportunitie to importune our offended Lord that our
personal breaks and bakslydings may be wrapped up in that
dischairge of God to this land; and that general graunt of
mercie and grace may be particularly assigned and applyed to
our sauls cuir and comfort. And, seing it hes pleased and
pleaseth yet the Lord in a wonderful way and visible maner
befor our eyes to verefie Ezekiels vision, 37 chap., by calling
from the foor winds of this kingdome and breathing upon the
dry bones, by laying sineues and flesch upon them, by maik-
ing them live and knoue the Lord our God, let us stand up
and kep the breathing of the Sprit that we may be partakers
of that spritual lyfe. Whil the Sprit of God is clocking upon
the waiters, as in Genes., and troubling the poole as in Jhon ;
whil the Lord is bringing to the birth evin Zion to hir traivel,
wil he schut hir womb that schoe sould not bring foorth chil-
dreen ? Sould we not rayther suck and milk out of hir breasts,
be borne upon hir sydes and dandled on hir knees, 66 ch. 8 v.,
etc., Isay ? Let us thairfor both learne and use this happy
daye of our visitation ; we wil never get our husband in a better
mood nor in his manage day, nor our king in a better tune
nor in the day of his coronation, nor our freind or brother in a
heartier disposition nor immediatly after ane reconciliation of
som bygon outcast; let us thairfor taik evin nou Rabschakeths
roole of our bygon transgressions, particularly naimed and
aggravated be al circumstances, with ane uther catologe of al
our desyrs, wants, necessities, and petitions, and present them
on our knees to our Lord in this day of his mariage, corona¬
tion, reconciliation with the churche of Scotland, quhairof we ar
freinds, children, and members. We never had nor is lyklie
ever to haive so notable ane opportunitie of importuning him
eyther for personal mercies or graces, as so many drops of that
heavinly schoure (nou raining doune upon whol congregations)
to fall upon our withered hearts.
[fol. si]

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