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DIARY, 1637-1639
in doctrine, discipline, churche govemement of ordinal's quho
he feared sould be found extraordinars, and the fyve articles.
He confessed publikly befor God and his people that he had
run himselth out of breath in that waye in the churche.
About six hours in the morning thou epitomized som of thy
acts; thou got som tears in the morning in thy familie, and
ane great earnestnes at night, bot noe tears in thy retyring.
On Mononday morning I, after requeisting the Lord to
rinse the vessel and then to poure in the liquor of his
heievinly directions to moderat, assist, direct the consulta¬
tions, and particularly about the Band, in nomine Domini mei
incipio. Thairafter began, nyn hours. I, after ane earnest
prayer to the Lord to red my feet quhilk was so intangled
in the ordoring of my confused thoughts, I got by Gods great
assistance al digested in three heads, quhilk was approvin
by the Committe apoynted to reveiu them. At night we sau
apearance of great opposition amongst the ministerie and
barons, and from the great grandies of lauers, quherwith som
was dasched, my fearful conjectures was increassed; yet my
desyre and resolution for the Band was by the sam opposition
On Tuesday, 27 Feb., I was taiken out befor I got myselth 27 Feb.
weal recomended to God, greu in desyre of the Band for
Gods glorie ever as I sau or heard of any appearance of fear.
I read Confession, Acts of Parlim: and Band to the nobles,
be quhom tuo words wer chainged. Afternoon with great
fears we went to the ministerie ; and, after tuo uther alterations
and ane discussion of al objections, we got it approvin first
be the Commissioners,1 then be the whol ministerie except
on non liquet becaus of his oath to the bischop to practise
perpetualy ; for the quhilk my heart did leape within for joie
of this glorious day quherwith our sauls wald be ravisched
if they wer spritualy disposed. Blissed be the naime of the
asternal God that maid my eies to seie the Covenant of
the Lord reneued in this land; and far mor to haive maid
me, the wickedest, vyldest, sinfullest, unworthiest, unaiblest,
servant, to be ane instrument in his hand of so great, so
1 I.e., the Commissioners of Presbyteries.

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