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prayer (being the sam with the mornings) tends mor to your
glory, weal of your saints, my salvation, nor ever any befor, the
maner of it is mor humble, mor fervent, mor frequent; bou
doune therfor thyne ear nou as befor for Chryst saik.’ Then
I closed al up in prayses. In my sleape that night God com¬
forted me wonderfully against my afflictions and praepaired me
for ane most chearful death by innumbrable passages, quhilk
immediatly I forgot.
On Foorsday morning I confessed Bifields 10 ch., and 22 Aug.
joyned thairto 6 Luik 3 v., ‘Judge not, and ye schal not be
judged : forgive, and ye schal forgiven \sic\ : give, and it schal be
given unto you.1 Thairafter in meditation having resolved in
al my prayers to pray for 3 graces, patience, neu obedience,
tendernes of conscience, I fell to the 28 of Deuteronomie;
quhairof, first, I applyed the threatnings and curses to my
present estaite fra the 15 v. cheifly the 17 v. the 20, 22, 25,
29, 30, bot, in this sense, ‘ Thou schalt betrooth ane wyfe bot
I wil tak hir from the1; the 43, 44, the 47, ‘ Becaus thou
servest not the Lord thy God with joyfulnes, and with glaid-
nes of heart, for aboundance of al things,1 etc., the 63, 65, 66,
67, quhilk threatnings was nou turned unto judgements to me ;
at the remembrance quhairof, and especialy of my guyltines
procuring al thir curses on me, I mourned, lamented, youled
pitifully, acknoledging that al the good, quhilk I haive or had,
preceded allanerly from Gods undeserved goodnes, and that al
the evill quilhk befell me preceded from my auin evil deserving,
sinful wickednes, and ungratful abuse of his Hissings. Then
instantly prayed I to the Lord that as, for my disobedience,
he had turned his threatnings unto j ugements, so nou that, as
he had begunne, he wald contineu to maik me hearken diligently
unto his voyce for to observe his statuts, or at the least by
humble repentance to obtaine remission of my transgressions
in the blood of Chryst, and so to turne al his promises unto
blissings as 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, quhilk I hoope the
Lord wil doe in his auin tyme. Then, haiving ended my
prayers and prayses, I heard Mr. Hery Rollok preach on 2 c. sermon.
Genes. 2 v., ‘ And God blissed the 7 day and sanctifyed it:
becaus he rested in it from al his work quhilk God created.1
Quherupon he urged that, imitating Gods example, we sould [>/. 69.]

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