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until at the last thou ranne with heart and hand unto thy
elder brother Chryst Jesus crying unto him, ‘ O sueat Saviour,
that came onlie in the world for to cal sinners unto repent¬
ance ; and, loving brother, not lyk to the prodigals brother quho
grudged at his fayther killing of the fait calf for joie of his
younger brothers recoverie; hot thou quho was that falted calf
and lamb of God killed for the sinnes of my poore saule, 53
Isayah, thou that art that good schipherd quho layeth doune
thy lyfe for thy scheape, bring me bak out of the wildernes
as that lost scheape, put me on and cary me on thy soulders
unto thy fayther, for I am lambe and cannot gang with
the prodigal except thou bear me; thou hes lighted
the candle of thy word, thou hes sueaped the hous by the
bossime of affliction, find me out lyk that losst groat;
and seing, lyk that poor man, the 9 of Mark, I cry to the,
Lord, help thou my unbelief, “ I believe thou canst, if thou
wilt,” haive compassion on me and help me chairge the dumb
sprit to goe out of me, tak me be the hand, lift me up and
mak me to aryse, and then I with the wil cry, Fayther, I haive
sinned, etc. and thou for me cry, Fayther, this is thy sone my
brother quhilk was dead and is alyve againe, quhilk was lost
and is found againe; he confesseth to the that he is unworthy
to be called thy son, pardone his sinnes, haive compassion on
his miserie, runne to him, fal on his nek and kisse him with the
consolations of thy sprit.’ And then I thought God the
Fayther cryed, ‘ Bring foorth the best rob, evin my beloved his
righteousnes; dead him with it; put on the ring of my sprit,
quhilk is the arrels pennie of heavenlie glorie, on his finger, and
the schoes of grace on his feet, that therby he may walk unto
that heavenly glory, and let ns with him, and him with us
rejoice.’ Yea blissed be God the Fayther, God the Son, and
the Holy Ghost for nou and for evermor heleluia ha[leluia].
Then, saul, remember hou heartily, conforme to thy voue,
thou blissed God for hearing of thy prayer and pouring out
of thy heart unto himselth, quhilk evin maid the in som measure
for to hope above hoope that God was dealing with the this
Sunday as he was the Sunday of proponing thy mariage. So
also, quhilest thou was chainging thy sark at night, God
assured the that he could, yea, if it wer fitting for his glory

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