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of God, which sould1 (yea is come) ‘ into the world ’; and with
Thomas, 20 c. 28 v., ‘ My Lord and my God.’ Thairafter in
the yaird, I begoud to cry unto Chryst Jesus that, if he had so
loved me as to haive given himselth unto the death for me,
(and wer it not ane despytful thing to doubt of his love quho
died for the ?) that nou he would caive that love and the merite
of his death by interceading for me at the hands of the
Fayther. Then, on the other pairt, I conjured the Holy Sprite
by the love he caryed to me in my conversion nou to joine his
sighs and sobs unto Chryst intercession for me. Confident
then on thair assistance (seing the Fayther heareth always the
on as the 11 c. 42 v. of Jhon, and knoueth quhat is the mynd
of the Sprit quho maketh intercession for the saints according
to the wil of God, 8 c. 27 v. to Romans) I fel doune on my
knees and cryed unto the Lord God the Fayther for his
Faytherly loves saik in electing me, that nou he wald hear thir
three supplicants, his Sone interceading, his Sprit gi’oaning,
and my saule praying evin for to glorifie himselth, aedifie his
servants, and saive my poor saule from al my present miseries
by death, if it was needful for noone that I sould remaine in
the flesch ; having som hope above hope that God, as he
could helpe me, so he would hear me nou in the day of my
I went in unto the churche with my good fayther; my heart
was moved going to the church, evin repeating with tears, ‘ Nou,
Lord, weary and leaden I com unto the; releave me nou ; in the
day of my trouble I called and yet calleth on the; delyver me
and my saule schal praise the.’ And thinking thir thoughts,
whil I resolved only to haive custen in ane groat, and then
ane cardecu, at the last God moved my heart to cast in within
the tasse ane 36 schilling peace. In my privat prayer in the
churche my heart was poured out befor God, evin with thir
words, ‘ Lord, heir ane distressed oppressed saule cometh to the
and cryeth in the mediation of thy wealbeloved sone, and schal
it goe away without ane ansuear ? Schal I be the first instance
and example of thy rejecting the prayer of ane contrite heart ?
my heart is broken and wil not thou pitie it ? my miserie is
unsupportable, and wil thou not give me some hope of ane
delyvrie ? my saule prayeth, thy Son interceadeth, thy Sprit

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