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that he gave his only begotten Son, that quhosoever beleaveth
in him sould not perisch, hot haive lyfe everlasting. For God
sent not his Son into the world, for to condemne it; hot that
the world through him might be saived ’), and at Kennoway
be Mr. Alexander Hendersone,1 upon the 1 c. 4, 5 vs. of the
Revelation (‘Jhon to the 7 churches in Asia: Grace be unto
you, and peace, from him quhich is, and whitch was, and which
is to come; and from the 7 sprits which ar befor his throne;
and from Jesus Chryst, quho is the faithful witnes, and the first
begotten of the dead, and the Prince of the kings of the earth.
Unto him that loved us, and wasched us from our sinnes in his
auine bloode, and haith maid us kings and priests unto God
his Fayther; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.
Amen.’), and in the West Kirk foranoone be Mr. William
Arthur2 (‘my wyfe being thair) on the 3 c. 1, 2, 3, 4 vs. of
Solomons Song (‘ By night on my bed I sought him quhom my
saule loveth: I sought him, hot I found him not. I wil ryse nou,
and goe about the city in the streats: I sought him, hot I found
him not: The watchmen that goe about the city found me; to
quhom I said, Sau ye him quhom my saule loveth ? It was bot a
litle that I passed from them, and I found him quhom my
saule loveth : I held him and would not let him goe, until I had
brought him unto my mothers house’). Ane sueat praeparation
sermon it was, blissed be God for it. Bot the thanksgiving \Jol. 22.]
sermon by ane young minister, by Gods providence having eie
to my vyfe, was the song of Simeon the 2 c. 29 v. of Luike
(‘ Lord, nou lettest thou thy servant depairt in peace, according
to thy word : for myne eies haive seien thy salvation, quhich
thou hes prepared befor the face of al people; a light to lighten
the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel ’) ; quhen thou
called this text unto thy mynd hou was thou comforted to
1 The famous Alexander Henderson, minister of Leuchars, afterwards of
Edinburgh, framer with Wariston of the National Covenant, and Moderator
of the General Assembly of 1638.
2 Mr. William Arthur, minister originally of the second charge, afterwards
(1626) of the first charge of St. Cuthbert’s or West Church. He had been
previously minister of Corstorphine. While there, a complaint was made by
the parishioners that he was ‘overlaimit a man for thame.’—Scott’s Fasti. He
died in 1654.

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