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upon this condition likeways that you agree to send us the goods by land when
whitened by reason that we lose more by this tedious method of sending by
sea in not getting our sales made in time than if we gave somewhat more for
whitening here.
To Mr David Knox, Errol
17 April 1746
Your first letter desired us to remit you £20 or £25 which is not in the
Copartnery’s power at present or will not be this month or two occasioned
by the delays we have met with in procuring our Charter which this plaguey
rebellion has stopped us from ever since the month of September last, tho’
now we expect everything will be put to rights in the above mentioned time.
To William Tod, London
27 May 1746
Pray write me the numbers of those pieces that turned out very ill of last year’s
parcel. I wrote you that there was some few bad pieces taken in while the
rebels were masters of this City and want now to be satisfied whether it’s owing
to bad flax or bad workmanship that this has happened.
To John Goodchild, London
2 August 1746
‘His Majesty having been most graciously pleased at the desire of sundry of
the Nobility, Gentry and Merchants of Great Britain to grant them his Royal
Charter incorporating them into a Body Politic for the more effectually
promoting the linen manufactures of the Kingdom by the name and style of
the British Linen Company and having appointed for their first and immediate
Governors and Directors—His Grace Archibald Duke of Argyll Governor,
the Right Honorable Andrew Fletcher Esq, Lord Justice Clerk Deputy
1 Governor, Patrick Crawfoord & Wm Beckford Esqs, Messrs John Courts,
^ Thos Allan & Alexr Shairp Merchants in Edinburgh Directors.
‘They therefore in consequence of the powers vested in them by the said
charter give notice that a general meeting of all those who have agreed to
become proprietors will be held at the house of Ebenezer McCulloch mer-
i chant in Edinburgh upon Wednesday the 17th Day of September next at 3
o’clock afternoon.’
By order of the Court of Directors of the Linen Company I sent you the
above advertisement which you will be pleased to have inserted in the first
London Gazette after this shall come to hand conform to the will of our charter
which obliges us to give such notice 30 days at least before any general meeting
can be held.

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