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howsoever contracted, and therby hindreth the land’s wounted charity, that his
parishoners used to give yeirly both for help to pay the session’s debts and main¬
taining the poor, his parishoners beeing unwilling to give their charity to him
who did use their poor and session means so ill, and would not give a compt to
them, as use was since the Reformation.
[325] Likeas his default, and the session’s, who dare challenge nothing but as
he commands, but alwayes weak and feeble in themselvs, they have lost the
casuahties and benefit belonging to their poor and session, as namely the casuality
and benefit of carding and diceing and horse races, and that since his entry
conforme to the 14 act of 23 parhament of King James VI.22
The impost of the wine vented in his parish beeing granted by King James
VI to the kirk, parish, and session therof, the collectors of the same refuse pay¬
ment therof to the kirk session or poor untill they get allowance of certain mon¬
eys of the said impost borrowed fiom the collector by the said Mr William, or at
least some large debt contracted and restand to the collectors by him, wherby
the session and poor are defrauded of the principall, at least the annual rents
therof after the principall shall be payed, and that by undmous payment therof.
He refuses and contemnes fasts appointed by the presbitry, albeit for the peace
and well of this kirk and kingdome commanded, testifying therby himselfe no
true member therof.
He leaves his kirk destitut of preaching when he pleases, and should preach
at ordinary times, as use was, albeit he be in health, and in the town where his
kirk is.
He does not as use was since the Reformation here, no not once since his
entry these 9 years past, visited monethly, quarterly, or yearly the families of his
congregation, and to take notice with his elders of the quality of the inhabitants
of his congregation, and that they be such as are obedient and answerable to the
kirk discipfine, and that others not worthy should be removed or censured, be¬
cause Leith is an open town to strangers and all sorts of people, and other wayes
could never be kept in good order, so that by his pride and neglect here of har¬
lotry and such abominations in his time has increased more nor a before. De¬
bauched and lewd people come from all parts, and live there uncontrolled.
He does not as use was a before weekly and oftner visit the sick of his con¬
gregation, and scarce when he is sent for will he come or can be had, wherby the
most part beeing gross ignorants depart this fife beastlike for him, except the
Lord in heaven grant favour and mercy otherwayes. Likeas he can pretend no
ignorance to seek peoples’ names inrolled and given to him twice in the week
22 ‘Anent playing at cardes and dyce, and horse-races’, The xxiii Parliament of our most high and dread
SoveraineJames, 4August 1621 (Edinburgh, 1621), \1\.\APS, iv,613-14.

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