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of me, especially to Mr Andro Ramsay, to quhom also I hav written, but shortlie
referring him to yow: and if my caise hes bein so unhappie (as to my greif I hear
it hes bein) that the nobility has bein misinformed of my cariadge, I entreat yow
for Christ’s saik, quhom we both serve, that ye wald effectuallie deal to sie by
what means I am so blamed, and what ar the things they hav been informed
against me: If no uther then that I have answered unto, then my answer I am
confident will satisfie both them and you. Especially consider the danger this
smal handfull will be brought into, if so be the covenant will be send to us: quhat
comfort or help wil be for our dear country, to hear of our mine and that we
sould be the first sacrifice to appease the wraith of ane angrie king. And withall
if ye find me now innocent, stop your ears in tyme coming to all such divelish
slanders, and let not the slanderer goe without his just reproof. For onc[e] for all,
the grit God of heaven who looketh upon me now writing is witness to the
treuth and the sincerity of my mynd in quhat I have written above, and though
now it be injusthe slandered, sail in his awine tyme mak the fight brak foorth. I
tak this as a visitatioune out of his fatherfie hand and do rejoice that he hes given
me such patienc as not to be moved fiom my hold. Let me entreat yow to give
me ane speedie answer and withall your grav counsell how to cary myself. I
stood never mor in neid of it then now. Neyther can I think but that ye who
honored me with your favour and acquaintanc long since, and was, under God,
the cheif instrument of my comming hither, and my patrone ever sine, sail be
pleased to continew your affectioune to me, and quher ye think I er, do freely
admonishe me who long for nothing mor then the news of the happie agree¬
ment betwixt the king and stait; and do earnestfie pray the grit God who is able
to bring fight out of darknes so to frame and guide the hearts of all quho now ar
employed about that matter, that glory may com to the name of Christ, shame
and confusioune upon all his enemies, quho are gaping for our overthrow to¬
gether with comfort and peac to our distressed church and stait and trew com¬
fort to all in it, who treuly fear his name.The sam God affoord yow ane heart to
answer me wisefie, and to cary yourself in thir tyms so prudentlie, as we that ar
your weill willers may have occasioune to praise his name for his favor towards
you, and in you to us all, amongst whom ye may saiffie rekon me on[e], who at
all occasions sail study to shaw my self
Your obedient servant and loving brother in Christ.
Campheir. 1/10 September styl. nov. 1638.
MW Spange
[P.S.] Sir, I thought to hav written mor letters, amongst quhom, on[e] to Mr
Andro.30 But I am straitned by tyme, quherefore supply ye this present want and

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