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taiken quherof, ye have confessit that the devill gave yow as much
money in trew and reall tumors as coft the said mulching of wyne and
coft the salt, and this onlie deed of all the devilish and abhominable
actions hes most troublit yow, and bein the greatest caus of your desyre
to murder yourself. By the quhilk deidis of advysesing and devysing
with the devill and uthers his ministrat servandis, consulting with them
and ministring of poysonable and divellish drinks and cruell and
unnaturall murderis of your husband, dochter and infant, yow are guilty
both by the law of god and the lawis of this realm and aucht to die the
Chancellor James Neilsone Quhittinghame
The samen day the haill assyse all in ane voce be the mouth of
James Neilsone chancellare therof fyndis the said Agnes (Anna) Tail
alias hownonnie guiltie, and fyllis hir of the forsaids abhominable cruell
and unnaturall and devillish crymes of sorcerie, suthsaying, inchantment
invocatioun of the devill and consulting with the deid and familiar and
evill spirits and practising of divers kynds of witchcraftis and anent the
consulting and advysing with the devill and his servands in the
murdereing of her unquhill first husband Johne Coltheard.
Item of the murdering of hir unquhill eldest dochter, Elizabeth
Johnstoun, with hir baim in hir bellie and of hir keiping companie with
the devill the aucht and ellevint dayes of December last, and of his
appearing to hir the saidis tymes, first in a blak man and the secundo a
wind, and of hir attempting to kill herself by hanging of hirself first in
curcht and therafter to have cut her own throat, since she was put in
waird. In respect of hir own confession confessing the haill dittay givin
in aginst hir except the generall clause quherof also they find hir guilty,
albeit for the maist part she denyes the same. Thairfor the saidis justices
ordanit lykas it was given for doome be the mouth of William Sinclar
dempster that the said Agnes (Anna) Tail sould be tane, hir handis bund
behind hir back conveyed be William Allot, lockman of Hadington to
the ordinar place of execution, and wirried to the death at ane post and
therefter his bodie to be bmnt in ashes, desuper act.

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