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Commission to Sir James Sinclar of Murkill,1 Sheriff principal of
Caithnes, William Innes shireff depute Angus Mcky of Bighous, Johne
Sinclar of Ratter, Mr Johne Sinclar of Ulbster, Johne Cuninghame in
Lowiskand and Jhone Innes of Thursetter or anie thrie to put them to an
assize. Halyrudhous, 31 July 1633 Chancellor, Hadintoun, Glasgow,
Hadintoun, Melvill, Naper, Arch. Achesoun, J. Hay.
fo. 64r. Katherine Nein Dan Gillechallum in Clynteredeluel2 ‘long tyme
bygane suspect and delate’. Depositions seen and perused by the Bishop
of Caithness. Commission to John Earl of Sutherland, Hew Gordon of
Ballalone, Alexander Gordon of Golspitour Robert Murray of
Spainyedaill, Robert Gray of Creich, Walter Murray of Pitgamer and
Alexander Sutherland of Gormsavie Or any three of them to put her to
an assize. 25 Sept. 1633, Haddington, Perth, Galloway, Annandale,
Lauderdale, Southesk,3 Melville.
fo. 64v. William Cock and Alesoun Dick his spous now prisoners in the
tolbuth of Kirkaldie ‘long tyme bygane suspect and delate’ depositionis
seene and perused be the Archbishop of St Andrewes and shawin to the
lords of our privie counsell beiris’. Commission to Sir George Hamilton
of Blackbume, James Clerke of Balbimie, David Broun of Fynmont and
baillies of our burgh of Kirkcaldie or anie three of thame one of the
baillies of the said burgh being one, to put them to an assize. Edinburgh,
8 November 1633. Geo. Cancellor, Hadinton, Wintoun, Perth,
Annendaill, Lauderdaill, B. Arg[yll],4 Arch. Achesoun.
fo. 65r. Agnes Wilsoun relict of umquhill Johne Craig, Katherine
Wilsoun spous to William Meines, Alesoun Wilsoun spous to Stevin
Brodie, Agnes Alinschaw relict of umquill David Thomesoun and
Elspitt Wilsoun within the parish of Eyemouth ‘long tyme bygane
suspect and delate’ depositions and confessions seen and perused by the
Archbishop of St Andrews. Commission to Sir John Home of
Blaccader, John Home of Rentoun, John Ramsay of Edingstoun and
Patrick Home of Westerstoun or any two of them to put them to an
assize. 26 November 1633, Geo. Chancellor, Haddington, Winton,
Annandale, Dumfries, Southesk, Traquair.
1 Murkle near Thurso.
2 Kintradwell.
3 David Carnegie, 1 st earl of Southesk, formerly Lord Carnegie.
4 Andrew Boyd, bishop of Argyll.

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