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fo. 29r. Issobell Cerswell, Mareon Jhonestoun spous to Williame Gray,
Marie Simsoun, wedow, Elizabeth Moresoun spous to Robert
Patersoun, Katherine Simsoun spous to Thomas Scot all in Innerkip,1
Jhone Scot in Bartfouroch, Gabriel Gray and Henrie Wodrow in
Innerkip, have been ‘long tyme bygane suspect and delate’ and using of
charms, her depositions subscrived by Archbishop of Glasgow.2
Commission to the sheriff of Renfrew and his deputes to put her to an
assize. 3 Nov. 1631, Hadinton, Wintoun, Linlithgow, Lauderdaill,
Hamiltoun, S. Thomas Hope, S. G. Elphinston.
fo. 29v. ‘Forasmeikle as it is understand to the lords of our privie
counsell that in the depositiouns and confessions of certane persouns
guiltie of witchcraft the persouns underwrittin ar declared to be
partakers with thame in the said devilish cryme they ar to say Katherine
Miller spous to John King miller at Ardgowan, Alesoun Woddro spous
to Hectour Creswell in Clochnoure, Issobell Kelso spous to David
Lindsey in Bankefitt, Effie Lindsey spous to Alexander Slanan in
Dunrod, Geillis Guill spous to Robert Warden in Divert, Katherine
Lyell spous to William Reid in Corse, Katherine Patersoun spous to
Johne Scot in Breitfunnock, William Wat in Achinmarch, Katherene
Scot spous to Johne Simsoun in Carshogill, Katherine Simsoun spous to
George Reg in Brenstoun and Elspet McCan spous to James Grey in
Garrock messenger it is therfoir that they be apprehendit and examined
tucheing the said cryme’.3 Commission to our Sheriff of Renfrew ‘and
his deputs conjunctlie and severallie to pas searche seeke and take the
1 West Renfrewshire. There were substantial abuses of justice involved in the
Renfrewshire cases. Both John Hamilton, minister of Inverkip and William Cochrane
sheriff-depute of Renfrew (later earl of Dundonald) appear to have acted illegally and
overzealously. Hamilton appears to have employed illegal and brutal methods of
torture such as bow strings and boots, as well as the usual watching and warding and
pricking. See RPC, 2nd ser., iv, 473. Compare the case of Katherine Christie in Dysart:
Ibid., iv, 58-9. Cochrane was a cousin of Robert Blair (Cochrane’s father changed his
name from Blair to Cochrane on marriage). Both Cochrane and Hamilton graduated
from Glasgow where Blair had taught as a regent. Blair left in 1622 which means that
although it is unlikely that he taught his kinsman he probably taught the minister who
went on to become chaplain to the covenanting army at Duns Law, and to become first
a Protester and secondly an outed presbyterian minister. Blair’s first wife was Beatrix
Hamilton—wife of Robert Hamilton, merchant—possibly he was related to the
ministerial part of the partnership too?
James Law, archbishop of Glasgow.
3 These places are also in Inverkip parish, suggesting that William Cochrane and John
Hamilton’s zealous ways had been at work here too. The high number of married
women named also suggests an unusual panic situation.

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