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foirsaid, maid aganis the same. The lordis repellis wemen to be witnessis
in this matter.
X1 Hier also to tak the allegances maid aganis William Penman and
aganis the presbyterie, thair answeris and interlocutoris, and aganis
Runcieman, with the interlocatoris, etc.
For cleiring to the assyse of the fyft article of the dittay anent the
outbringing of Irish Jonet furth of the tolbuith of Mussilburgh be
witchcraft quhairin sho was wairdit, in causing Gavin Duncane hir sone
put his finger in the lok of the dur, etc., producet the said Gavin Duncane
hir sone, quhome the lordis, of the panned’s consent, admittis.2
For cleiring of the xix article of dittay anent the cureing of the gudman of
Carberrie his oxin of the lowing evill, in maner thairin mentionet,
producet Mr Mungo Rig of Carberrie.
For cleiring of the xx article of dittay anent the raising of the devill be the
said Geillis within hir awin hous to understand quhat should be hir end,
etc., producet Robert Dykis, [and] Gavin Duncane, hir sone.
For cleiring of the 25 article of dittay anent the confessioun maid be the
said Geillis at Martinmas last, being deidlie seik, in presence of dyvers
witnessis, that sho had consultation with witches, producet3
[2r.] The dittay being red and the said Geillis accuset upone the first
article thairof.
1. It is allegit and affirmet that the panned nevir ministrat ony medicamentis
or cures [[quhilk]] be witchcraft or incantations quhilk witches ar
only in use to do. And for definition of witchcraft, quhat it is, citet Bodyn,4
1 The clerk has decided at this point that he can no longer record here all the objections,
debates, and rulings concerning witnesses who were challenged by the defence. He
merely refers briefly to them, including Isaac Runcieman, who was proposed for a
witness to the eighth article of the indictment, and was rejected. The full story
concerning these people is told later on in the manuscript See below, pp. 129-32. Thus
to this point, the introduction of, and debate over, the witnesses has been fully recorded:
in the next few lines we have a very brief summary of all subsequent proceedings related
to the witnesses.
2 The manuscript jumps from the fifth to the nineteenth article. The witnesses for the
eighth article, who are given below, p. 131, are omitted here.
3 This is the last word of the last line of folio Ir. of the manuscript: the information being
recorded ceases at this point. The next folio begins to record the debates against the
relevancy, which was chronologically earlier than the introduction of the witnesses.
4 Jean Bodin, 1530-1596. French economist, philosopher, and writer. The reference is to
his book, De La Demonomanie Des Sorciers.

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