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Vigesimo nono 1590
This day being the day assignit to Elspet Kynneir servitrix to William
Drummond to bring ane testimonial quhidder or not the bairn gottin with
George Drummond as scho confest was leifand, and mair over ane uther
testimonial from Aberdene fra the minister thereof to testifie quhidder the
said George was mariit and haid ane wyf there leifand or not. William
Drummond her caution presentit hir this day and was obsolvit fra forder
cautionary of hir. And being inquyrit gif scho haid the testimonial denyit.
Thairfoir hir fact was haldin adultery and presendy therefoir wairdit, quha
brak ward and past away.8 (Elspet Kynneir)
Comperis Beates Eakyn and confessis hir fornication with Alexander Meik in
Eister Elcheth quhilk bair ne was dead and burrit beThomas Cristall in the Leon¬
ards kirk yeard, and submittis hir to the disciphne of the kirk, Robert Blakwod
[36v] hir maister cautioner under the pane of ten poyndes that eftir his
bairne is fosterit he sail present hir to the kirk, quhilk was grantit to him
becaus he schew the danger of the bairne being presendy scl.9 (Beates Eakyn)
The elders considering the evil payment thatWilham Banevis present reader
gettis of his stipend appointed to him as also his present necessitie and adois10
ordanis the masteres of hospital to tak fourty merkes fra David Jakson and gif
unto him being the superplus by iii C merkes gevin to the laird of Bahousy
out of the Blakfreirs tract of that haill sowm of sevintene scoir merkes
addettit be the said David to the hospital for the samyn. (William Banevis)
Sexto Aprylis 1590
Persones being warnit to this day comperit not therefoir thai ar all ordanit
to be wairdit for dissobedience.
Decimo tertio Aprilis 1590
Comperis James Robertson of the parochin of Kynnoull and Cristen
Lathangie of this parochin and desyrit their bannes to be proclamit. Caution
for the man David Wryt, for the woman William Lathangie hir father.
Comperis Robert Huid of the parochin of Rynd and Elspet Farfar of this
parochin and desyris their bannes to be proclamit. Caution for the man
Robert Snell, for the woman Jhon Adam.
8 She broke out of gaol and left town.
9 Beates (perhaps a form of Beatrix) is his child’s wetnurse; the final abbreviation may indicate
‘suckling’. ‘Fostered’ here is ‘weaned’.
10 Troubles.

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