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Quhilk day the minister and elders of the burgh of Perth being convenit
within the revestrie of the samyn hes ordanit James Adamson ane of the
masteres of the hospital to delyver to Piter Hay of Leis ane chairtor and
evident contenand ane boll quhyt41 alledgit furth lyand yerly fiirth of the
barrony of Leis sometyme to the Blak freirs and now to the said hospital,
togidder with the decreit past thereupon. And alsua ordanis to delit42 the
said boll quhyte furth of the register and rental thereof to the entent the
samyn be never socht nor acclamit in tyme cuming be the masteres of
hospital nor their successores. And that becaus the said Piter Hay of Leis
hes delyverit to us certane evidentis and writtis concerning to the said
hospital of far greitter valor43 nor the said boll quhyt yeirly as alsua becaus
[28r] he nor our predicessores war never in use nor possession of the
uptakyng of the said boll quhyt.
Vigesimo Octavo Julii 1589
Forasmekill as there is ane great brute and slander arysin within this town
of the oncomely behavior of Janet Justice, that is to say that scho is ane
common pandrouse betuix my Lord Sanquhair and Mary Irland now pres¬
ently in Henrie Adamsons house besyd the greit suspition of hir self with
the said lord or his servandis be resorting there at x, xi, or xii hours at even,
quhilk is oncomely and greitly cryit out against be all the haill nychtbores
of this town, scho being callit comperit and being inquyrit gif scho was
pandrous as said is confest that be my lord Sanquhair scho was desyrit to
go to Mary Irland that he myt haif conference with hir quhilk scho refusit.
And as tuitsching his resorting to hir house the tymes and hours foirsaid,
grantit the same bot upon na evil intention, bot becaus scho was his lain-
star.44 Thairfoir the same being thocht very suspitious in hir person, was
commandit and admonisit not to use sik thingis in tyme cuming nor to have
hir house oppin to ony persons at sik tymes in the nyt, nor use na suspitious
company utherwayis it suld be haldin and reput as fornication and scho as
ane fornicator to be punisit. (Admonition Janet Justice)
Quarto Augusti 1589
Forasmekill as Margreit Maclawren spouse to James Stobby burges of Perth is
found culpabill and convict of the sklander gevin in be Margreit Robertson
spouse to Jhon Spense litster burges of the said burgh and seing scho mere-
ites condinge45 punisment therefor and that the act of sklander suld be put
41 A wheat crop: the produce of a parcel of land.
« Delete.
43 Value.
44 Laundress.
45 Condign.

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