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Decimo quinto Junii 1589
Ordains that the hail that was done be Janet Watson servand to Jhon Rynd
flescher to be as ondone be resson it procedit informely. And theirfoir ordanis
hir of new agane to be wardit. And scho to be retenit thereunto entring
in the begyning of ane oulk unto the nixt Saturday following thereftir.
Thaireftir scho to be tane furt and set betuix x and xii hours upon the croce
heid with the yrns about hir neck. And in end to caus hir find sufficient
caution to present hir self to the publict place of repentance and gif scho
refixssis to ward hir ay and quhill scho do the samyn. (Janet Watson flyter)
Contenuis the action betwix James Rettray and Helen Watson there to
this day acht dayis and ordains Helen Watson to gif instrumentis the said
day quhat farder scho remembers concerning James Rettrayis promeise and
silver gevin him. And the said James to avyse with his aith betuix this and
the said day, David Anderson standing caution for the woman and Patrik
Justice for the man.
Ordains Geils Mitschell to gif in the exact day of birth and baptising of hir
bairn betwix this and this day fyftene dayis.38
Ultimo Junii 1589
Ordains James Rettray to tak his man chyld fra Helen Watson and intertene
him and scho keip the lass and intertene hir.
Quhilk day being assignit to James Rettray in Tirsappy to gif in his aith gif
ever he maid promese of mariage to Helen Watson dochter to Jhon Watson
there, he being present and be incalling on the greit name of god inquyrit as
he wald answer to god or have his saul saifit in the day of the Lord, inquiret
gif ever he made ony promese of mariage to the said Helen by the same aith
he answerit as he suld mak ane reply to god he never maid ane promese of
mariage to hir at na tyme. Thairfoir seing this day was assignit to gif in his
aith and be resson of his purgation thocht hur void of his promese gif ony
haid bene, and obsolvit him simpliciter of the samyn. (James Rettray sworne)
Comperis Patrik Kynloch and Jean Inglis and desyris ther bannes to be
proclamit. Caution for the man Alexander Gibson, for the woman Patrik
Inglis. (Mariit)
Septimo Julii 1589
Comperis Jhon Marten and Nans Quhyt and desyris their bannes to be
See 21 July 1589.

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