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Octavo Apprilis 1588
The minister and elders ratefeis the act maid of befoir anent the absentes fra
the assemblie without ane ressonabill cause and thes that cummis in behind
the hour also. (The act maid anent abentes fra the sessione renewit)
Ordanis with the minister, the masteres of hospital, Alexander Gibson and
Patrik Oliphant elders to speik the counsel on Mononday nixt anent the
laird of Bahousie26 and to report their answer this day acht dayis.
[17v] Decimo quarto Aprilis 158827
Comperis William Malyce and Margreit Anderson and desyris their bandis
to be proclamit. Caution for the man James Malice his father, for the woman
Alexander Anderson hir father.
Comperis Jhon Meling and Janet Macgregor and desyris their bandis to
be proclamit. Caution for the man Jhon Meling his father for the woman
Duncan Macgregor hir father.
Comperis Jhon Richartson and Isobel Young and desyris their bandis to
be proclamit. Caution for the man Patrik Richartson, for the woman Neil
Quhilk day the haill fleschers being caUit afoir us and accusit for breaking of
the sabboth day in absenting them selffis therefra in tyme of preitsching and
prayers being prophaners of the Lordis tabil and greit swerars and banners
using greit and execrabil aithis to the dishonor of godis maist blesset name
to the great greife of the conscience of the godly, and daylie fechts,28 all in
ane voice confessit them selffis giltye heirof. Yet becaus the minister and
elders did persave that there was greit contentions amangis them selffis and
sum moir abstinat than utheris especially Andrew Thomeson, referrit them
to the aggriment of their brethrene. Yet nottheless becaus thir thair noto-
rius confessit factis ar wordy of seveir punisment, the minister and elders
suspendis the rigor of their judgment and sentence at this present quhilk
thair faultis requyrit on houp of amendment. And incaice ony of them heir-
efter be found to fall in the said crymes the penulties contenit in the actes
26 The laird is perpetually indebted to the hospital.
27 The entries below repeat those of 5 Apr., fo. 16r, though with additions to the fleshers act.
The clerk may have been copying rough notes into fair copy and forgotten that he had
already written this bit.
28 Fighting.

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