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Quinto Aprilis [sic for March]171588
Comperis William Malice and Margreit Anderson and desyris their bandis
to be proclamit. Caution for the man James Malice his father, for the woman
Alexander Anderson hir father.
Comperis Jhon Meling and Janet Macgregor and desyris their bandis to
be proclamit. Caution for the man Jhon Meling his father, for the woman
Duncan Macgregor her father.
Comperis Jhon Richartson and Isobel Young and desyris their bandis to
be proclamit. Caution for the man Patrik Richartson, for the woman Neil
Macgie. (Mariit)
Quhilk day the haill fleschers being callit afoir us and accusit for breaking
of the saboth, prophaners of the Lordis tabil, swerars and banners18 and
common barganers19 all confessit them giltie heirof. And becaus the minister
and elders persavit them quha was obstinat, especially Andrew Jhonston, and
all the rest of the craft to submit them selffis to the will of the minister and
elders, thairfoir the said minister and elders suspendit their judgment and
rigor of their sentence quhilk their faultis requyrit at this present in houp
of amendment. And incaice ony of them be found to contravene in tymes
cuming, the penulteis contenit in the actis of parliament anent20 sik offensis
with all rigor to be execudit upon them and that quhow aft soever thai be
found culpabill of the samyn. (Fletschers)
[16v] Quhilk day the minister and elders presentlie convenit considdering
the idolatrouse pastyme of sundrye insolent young men in playing of sanc-
tobertes play to the greite greife of the conscience of the faythful and infa¬
mous sklander of the haill congregation throchout this haill countrie hes
ordanit for present punisment of the same and siclyke idolatrouse pastyme
in tymes cuming that William Scharpe, Walter Symeson, William Malcom,
Thomas Dawnie, David Randy, and James Maloch be put in ward therein to
remaine on releifit quhill everie ane of thame have payit twentie schillingis
to the puir to put them selffis in the seat of repentance therein to remaine
the sabothe day in tyme of sermone and attor21 to find caution under the
17 Three more March entries will follow on fos 16v and 17r.
18 Swearers and cursers.
19 Bargainers, buying and seUing on Sunday.
20 Statues for sabbath observance include APS iii, 38, c. 17, cf. 56b; iii, 138 (1579); and iii, 211,
c. 1 (1581, the last two ordering a penalty of 20s for the first offence). The most recent of
many acts against blasphemy was in 1581: APS iii, 212, c. 5.
21 In addition.

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