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Margreit now hes gevinjust occasion ofsklander of fornication and mereites
condinge punisment therefoir by publick satisfaction for awaytaking of the
sklander. Nottheless seeing their mynd is to win hir be repentance unto god
and houpis for amendment, ordanis to admoneish hir now as of befoir to
absteine frome all sic lyk occasion in tyme cuming ather with thes men or
ony utheris under the paine quhilk is appointit for thes that ar relaps thryse
in fornication. Certefeing hir gif scho be sene heirefter suspiciously and
ungodly to shame hir selffe scho sail be compellit to satisfie as ane adultrix
and convict in adulterie and banisit the toun for ever. Also ordanis hir to
frequent the kirk at preitsching and prayers and inspecial to keip the saboth
day. (Margreit Gall.)
[lOr] better nor scho hes done under the paine of sensuring according to
the actis of the kirk and actis of parliament quhilk present admonition scho
thankefully ressavit acceptit and consentit to the premise promising to use
hir selffe in all thingis as a regenerat cristian.
Forasmekil as Bessye Glass alias Kismie relict of umquhill William Dican
hes beine dyvers and sundrye tymes caUit in afoir us for hir unhonest and
onschamefast behavior for speiking of badrie89 and oncomely language for
singing of filthy and ungodly sangis and ballandis, for dansing and becking
on the streites afoir nobil gentil men and women resorting to the toun, for
cuming to their lodgingis and there maist schamefully abusing hir selffe
contrare to the dewetie of ane godly or weill reformit woman and member
of this congregation, and for not behaifing hir selffe in any gud calling
bot rather in skaffing90 or beggrie by hir inordinat jestis contrarie to the
command of god and his buk. As also last mair specialye hes in the merket
places of the toun and all uther places quhere scho did frequent in hir skaf-
ferie onnaturalye and ongodly nominit and defamit sa far as lay in hir Mr
George Ruthven91 with mony and dyvers opprobreis and sklanders suffi-
cientle provin be honest and famous nichtboures within this toun callit,
sworne and admittit to testifie in that caus quhilk is found very onruly
and onhonest to the greit contempt of god and his word and greidy cryit
out against be the haill godly nychtboures of this toun. In respect of the
quhilk premissis the assembly present thinkis and jugis that the said Bessy hes
gevin greit occasion of sklander to the kirk of god and mereites condinge
punisment therefoir. And ordanis the act maid anent flyters with all rigor
to be put in execution against hir as also gif ever in tyme cuming scho be
89 Bawdry.
90 The term can mean scrounging or sponging, though in this context scoffing may be the
most accurate meaning. The next phrase suggests that she is making her living as a sort of
stand-up comedienne.
91 One of the deacons at the next
election, 9 Oct.

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