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Ordanis the master of hospital with all diligence to proceid against all that
ar adettit to the hospital.
Vigesimo quarto Julii 1587
Comperis Thomas Anderson ane of this parochin and produces ane testi¬
monial fra the minister ofTibbermur70 of his lawful contracting with Agnes
Ruthven ane of that parochin ofTibbermure and desyrit their bandis to
be proclamit. Caution for performance of the samyn within fourtye dayis
William Ross at the Charterhouse yet.
Ultimo Julii 1587
Ordanis the mutarars71 for their dissobedience after being warnit and callit
on not comperit to be wardit.
David Baxter being inquyrit of quhom he haid gottin the testimonial of
the proclamation of his bandis declarit in presens of the minister and elders
that he gat it not from the reidar nor knew ony thing thereof til the nicht
afoir his mariage declaring to the said Margreit gif that scho wald not get
hir testimonial he suld in na wayis marie hir gif scho wald not be reddy that
nicht so that all micht beine performit on the day efter declarit scho was as
reddy as he was, and gaif him this testimonial quhilk he nather knew nor of
quhom scho had ressavit the same. (D. Baxter/ False testimonial)
[7v] Octavo Augusti 1587
Ordanis the Saboth day to be keipit especialy in the mills, flesh buithis and
baxter buiths and back houses unto the paine contenit in the act of parlia¬
ment anent the breakers of the same.72 (Keiping of the sabboth)
Ordanis Margreit Ruthven to be wardit ay and to be retenit therein quhill
scho declair the wreitter of the feign[ed] testimonial of the proclamation
of hir bandis.
Ordanis the prior of Quhytefreirs wyffe to have the Martinmes termes
annuels nixtocum quhilk he uptuk induring his lyfetyme, to releife hir of
det tane on to support his necessitie in tyme of his seiknes.73
70 Alexander Young, formerly the prior of the Carmelite monastery in Tullilum.
71 Millers. See below, act of 11 Sept. 1587, regarding mills running on Sunday.
72 APS iii, 138 (1579) and iii, 211, c. 1 (1581) levied 20s for working or selling on Sunday.
73 The old prior ofWhitefriars (Carmehtes), pensioned off at the Reformation, subsequendy
married, and his widow now gets some portion of his income to pay her debts.This income
would otherwise have gone to the poor in the hospital; presumably the elders preferred not
to see the prior’s widow among their number.

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