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Forasmekill asjhon Makwatter andElison Imbrae56 his spouse hes beine sundrye
and dyverse tymes callit afoir the essemblie for trubling their nychtbores and
inspecial for bakbyting, sklandring of Robert Dun and his wyffe, of Malcome
Fergusson57 and his wyffe, and presendie thai ar convict (Act against McWatter)
[246] of the crymes [laid to] their chairge be Robert [Dun and Malcom]58
Ferguson. Hearfoir it is ordanit that the said Jhon Makwatter and his wyffe
be put in waird unto the tyme repentance be fund in them for ther sklan-
derous lyf. Secundlie thai sail come to the place quhair thai maid the offence
to them, and there on their kneis craife pardon of the offence committit at
the personfs] quhom thai haif offendit.59 Thridlie thai sail pay ane suffecent
penultie to the puir according to the act maid against flytt[ers]. Last gif
ever thai be fund in word or deid heireftir to offend ony nychtbor, the bair
accusation salbe ane sufficient pla...60 of conviction, that the act maid against
flyters be extendit against them, and finalie to be banisit the town for ever.
Comperit Thomas Olyphant in Freirton and became caution for David
Anderson and Effie Mullyky his servandes that thai suld fulfill the injunxions
of the kirk for their fornication committit togidder. And becaus thai war
bissie at their beirsod61 declara[nd]62 that thai war willing to do the samyn
quhen ever thai war cald to this effect efter sawing tyme, for the quhilk caus
thai submi[t] them boith to the discipUne of the kirk.
Isobel Waddell spouse to Jhon Adam being lykwayis examinit of the matter
bemix the ladye Manye and Marion Rollok spouse to Patrik Bruce, deponit
as William Niving did.63
Ordanis the masteres of hospital to tak order anent the pryor of Quhyt-
David Low lykwayis being examinat anent the matter betuix the ladye
Manye and Marion Rollok deponit as William Niving and Isobel Waddell.
56 Scott’s ‘Bruce’ (NLS ms Adv. 31.1.1, fo. 55) is clearly a mistaken transcription; cf. 15 May,
57 There may be a word after Fergusson, but it is faded and the corner of the page torn away.
58 Much of this line at the top of the page is torn away, but there does not seem to be room
for the names of Ferguson’s and Duncan’s wives. Scott has the full text, so presumably the
edge of the page has crumbled since his time.
59 For the ritual of pubhc apology in the place of offence, see CP, 153-54, 249-50.
60 End of word is missing in the binding.
61 Busy sowing their barley.
62 Torn.
63 See above, 25 April 1586.
64 This has to do with payments due to the Carmehte prior, pensioned at the Reformation.

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