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Decimo [sic] octavo Marcii 1586
Comperit war the minister and elders viz Alexander Olyphant and James
Comperit Jhon Justice and willinghe confessit his fornication committit
with Janet Smyth and submittis him to the disciphne of the kirk and findis
Patrik Justice caution that he sail fulfill the injunctions of the kirk eftir
bonfeir tyme25 becaus he may not leife his maisters wark, quha desyring his
bairne to be baptiset refusit allantlie26 unto the tyme that caution war for
the woman in lykwayis. (J Justice)
Comperit David Crystie and producit ane testimonial of the minister of
Forgandenie schawand that he was contractit with Agnes Galt ane maid of
thar parochin quha findes Patrik Crystie his brother caution for fulfilling of
the band under the paine of ten pundis.27 (Mariit 27 Junii)
Comperit James Haipbron and was inquirit gif he knew gif ther was four-
tene pundes grantit be the elders in their tyme to David Mar, quha answerit
that he was never in the assemblie house sen the elders wer assemblit in
Sanctandrois 11128 unto this day and submittis his jugment heirof to wreit.
(J Haipbron)
Ordanis the northsyd of the Heigeit quha war not at the examination29 to
be warnit agane Mononday nixt.
Ordanis to gif unto Walter Meik ten schiUingis.
Comperit lykwayis Adam Anderson and being inquyrit gif he knew that
there was fourtene pundes grantit to David Mar quha declarit he haid na
remembrance thereof gyf it was grantit bot it was in commoning30 and
heirfor remittis his judgment to writ. (A Anderson)
25 St John’s eve (23 June), also Midsununer eve, when bonfires were lit to celebrate the
summer fight.
26 Only (a variant on allanerly): that is, the session refused to baptise the child until its mother’s
caution was produced.
27 The minister of Forgandenny parish at this date was John Row, nephew of the first
protestant minister of Perth (Fasti iv, 209; NRS ms CC8/8/400-402, identifying Row as
the Perth minister’s ‘brother-son’).
28 There seems to have been a time when the session met in the aisle of the kirk that formerly
held an altar devoted to St Andrew. In the margin, ‘J Haipbrone’.
29 That is, those who lived in that quarter of the burgh but had failed to appear.
30 Commonly assumed?

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