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concerning St Pauls Chappel to be ane hospital house and to report thair
answer on Mononday nixt.53 (Hospital)
Compeiris Agnus54 Carnie and oblisses him self to pay ten £ for James
Macalester in caise he present not the said James to pay his ten £ on
Mononday efter Andersmes Day. (Carnie)
Compeiris Bessy Duncan and confesses hir fornication with Jhon Mathow
quha fundis Jhon Peblis cation that sche sail performe hir repentance efter
Andersmes immediatly. And lykwayis the said Jhon oblisses him self to enter
Patrik and James Ruthvenis this day viii dayis in cais they be in this town
under the paine of xx JT. (Duncan and Peblis)
[193] Compeiris Margret Lamb and confesses hir fornication with Andro
Henderson and findis Alexander Cok cation that sche sail satisffie the kirk.
The haill eldaris with the consent and assent of the minister granttis feu
to Jhon Eldar merchant of the house apperteining to the hospital bondat
betuix Lareittis Chappel55 on the est, the common Suithgait on the southe,
the provest of Methvenis land on the west, and the said Jhon Eldaris land
on the north partis, presently inhabit be Robert Chapman for x merkis
girsum56 and vi merkis of yeirlie dewty to be payit at twa termes in the yeir,
viz Witsonday and Mertinmes, provydand that gif the said Jhon be auchtand
twa times togidder and the twa times rynnand in thre,57 that his feu salbe
admittit of it self. Secundly, that he pay the masteres of hospital his byrony
mealies betuix this and Fryday nixt. And thairfoir ordanis him to mak his
charter58 with all the clauses neidfirl of warrandin and the promisses being
performit, that it salbe subscryvit be the minister, eldaris, masteres of hospital,
and scryb to the assembly. (Eldaris feu)
Compeires Thomas Purdy and confesses his fornication with Chirsten
Edmeston quha is ordanit to satisfie thairfoir. (Purdy satisfiit)
53 This suggests that at least two of the medieval chapels had survived the mob of May 1559
- St Paul’s and St Ann’s (see above, 11 July 1580).
34 For Angus.
55 The chapel of Our Lady of Loretto.
55 Girsum is an anticipation of rent in a gross sum, or a fine paid in consideration of a lease
for a term of years.
57 If he misses three payments in a row.
58 He must pay the notary.

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