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Compeiris Ritchart Farnie and Jein Anderson and desyris thair bannis to be
proclamit. Cation for him Alexander Monipenny, for hir Thomas Anderson.
Terme Witsonday nixtocum.
[188] The distribution of the almis giffin to the puir be the kingis majestic
at Perth the thrid of Augusti extending to the sume of 22 £ xiii [s] viii d
Imprimis to George Jak youngar xl s
Item to Walter Stevin baxter v merk
Item to Adam Dinham xl s
Item to Sir Alexander Cok xx s
Item to Margret Clark xx s
Item to Robert Cumyng crippil xl s
Item to Helen Gow xl s
Item to Violet Coling xx s
Item to ane woman that helit ane puir boy of the glengoir40 xiiii s iiii d
Item to certane scolaris41 xl s
Item to Issobel Merschell xx s
Item to Robert Ritchie xl s
Item to Jhon Hammiltois wyf the maisson42 xiii s iiii d
Item to Jhon Ronaldson that ringis the beUis xx s
Item to James Rynd xl s
Item to Magregor the bairin xx s
Item to Gilbert Garneris wyf v s viii d
Item to George Menzeis vi s viii d
xii Augusti 1583
Quhilk day the minister and eldaris being present, compeiris Jhon Mathow
and confesses his fornication with Margret Carvar and promises to mak his
repentance according to the ordor for the same, desyring in the meane tym
ane testimonial that his bairin may [be] baptisit in Scone, and fand Gilbart
Ray cation that he suld mak his repentance as said is. His desyre being hard
and cation fond, the testimonial was grantit. And being demandit gif he
wald chuse frindis on his part and stand at thair delyverance for the way
takin of the dissention betuix him and Jhon Smyth, answerit he hed chosin
now supported the hospital. Part of his bid must be to provide a stipend or other acceptable
payment to the curate who had been employed by the chapel and had been pensioned off
by the protestant setdement.
40 The fact that she is not named suggests that she may have been an itinerant healer. Physicians
usually dealt with venereal diseases by prescribing heavy doses of mercury. This boy may
have recovered because of a female healer’s less toxic resort to herbal remedies.
41 This sum may have gone to support poor boys in the sangschool or grammar school, or to
help send some of them to St Andrews University.
42 The mason may be disabled or ill and unable to support his family.

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