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the said William Meldran hir husband under the paine of excommunication.
The eldaris for thair part being dischargit be the comissioneres letters and
seing the maist part of the assembly absent, defrit thair answer til the morin
efter the morning prayeris.31 (Ramsay)
2 Julii 1583
Quhilk day the minister and eldaris being convenit for the foirsaid cause
for diverse respectis with the advyse of the said William Meldran and Mr
George his brother remittit the foirsaid action to be desydit be the commis-
sioneres. (Meldran)
Ordanis Andro Donaldson master of hospital to gif in his comptis of hospi-
tality on Thurisday nixt efter the sermond.
xv Julii 1583
Quhilk day the minister and eldaris being present, comperit David Finlason
in the parochin of Brechin and Violet Ritchie and desyris thair bannis to
be proclamit. Cation for him Constantyn Malice, for hir James Robertson.
Terme St Jhonsday in harvest. (Mariit ii Augusti)
Compeiris William Lyall and Margret Corse and desyris thair bannis to be
proclamit. Cation for him Thomas Monipenny, for hir Alexander Monipenny.
Terme St Jhonsday in harvest. (Lyall)
Ordanis the officiar to dispasche of the town all lyparis commanding nane
to resave thame in thar houses under the pain of xx and he to have half
merk and his helper xl d for thair travell.32 (lyparis)
[187] Compeiris James Patton and confesses his fornication with Agnes
Fulton quha is ordanit to be wardit. (viii s)
Ordanis Malcum Bischop to produce ane mair autentik testimonial subscr-
yvit be the readar and four eldaris of his sisteris repentance nor he did agans
this day xx dayis.33 (Bischop)
31 This jurisdictional quarrel was short-lived: the following day, the Perth session gave in. Their
position was certainly weakened by poor attendance.
32 The finders’ fee would be strong motivation for active enforcement. It is hard to conceive
of townspeople knowingly receiving lepers into their homes, however.
33 They suspect that his testimonial is forged.

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