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[184] past up with hir. And being in the house sitting on the kist befoir the
bed at nyne houris at even, sche saw the said Janet sitting verie seik at the
fyre syd on the schinlay stand, blud being found about hir lyk ane woman
in hir childill and that hed borin ane bairin. Bot quhidder sche hed berin
ane or not, sche knew not, quha is ordanit to be put in the irnis.21
Compeiris Alison Cok and ratifiis hir former confession maid be hir befoir
the minister and eldaris being confrontit with Margret Corse the fourt of
Junii 1582 concerning Janet Paulis bairin, quhilk sche culd not deny. (Alison
Compeiris Agnes Mersser and confesses that Agnes Niwing dwelland
with Mr William Oliphant tald hir that Janet Paul was lichter of ane lass.22
The same day the officer Jhon Ronaldson recordit that about the same tyme
of yeir quhan Janet Paulis bairin was borin as is alledgit, Nicol Ronaldson
making Jhon Killochis grave fand ane dead new borin bairin yeirdit not ane
hand braid under the yeard23 without his or NicoUis knawledge.
Compeiris Wilham Edmeston and confesses his fornication with Violet
Lockart quha is ordanit to be wardit. (Edmeston)
Ordanis James Sym to gif Mr William Cok readar x mark in compleit
payment of his scrybsie of all termes preceiding the terme of Lambes
anno 1583 with expedition.
10 Junii 1583
Quhilk day the minister and eldaris being present, compeiris Nicol Blair and
Marjorie Malcum and desyris their bannis to be proclamit. Caution for him
Gilbart Blair, for hir Andro Malcum. Terme Lambes. (Mariit)
Compeiris Finlay Macinnes and Violet Cok and desyris ther bannis to be
proclamit. Caution for him Jhon Wenton, for hir Andro Boy. Terme Lambes.
Compeiris David Gray and confesses that he cam out of Jhon Stevisonis
21 See 4 June 1582: Margaret Corse was the midwife at Janet Paul’s delivery of a child
apparently killed after giving two cries.
22 She had borne a daughter. See 4 June 1582 and 3 June 1583.
23 In a shallow grave, not a hand’s breadth under the surface of the earth.

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