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to be proclamit. Cation for him Jhon Lammerkyn, for hir David Jhonston.
Terme Midsomer.
[180] Compeiris Michael Lyall and Agnes Yonng and desyris ther bannis to
be proclamit. Cation for him Alexander Monipenny, for hir Jhon Bog. Terme
Witsonday. (Lyall)
Compeiris Margret Thomson and confesses hir fornication with James Tyrie
quha is ordanit to be wardit for hir first fait. (Thomson ressavit)
Quhilk day forasmekle as Archibald Brown refering the decision of the
mater betuix him and his party to the minister ofTibbermuir promising
to do the dewty of ane father to the bairin in caise the foirsaid minister
wald say that the bairin was baptest in his name, in respect that the said
minister deponit befoir the presbiterie that the bairin was baptiest in the
said Archibaldes name, the assembly ordanit the said Archibald to sustein
according to his promeis the barin for ane yeir to cum. (Brown)
Decimo quarto Apprilis 1583
Quhilk day the minister and eldaris convenit for the tyme, compeiris Wilham
Glass and Elspet Macgregor and desyris ther bannis to be proclamit. Cation
for him Jhon Peblis, for hir Duncan Macgregor. Terme Midsomer.
Compeiris Jhon Clerk and Bessy Smyth and desyris ther bannis to be
proclamit. Cation for him Robert Chapman, for hir Jhon Adam. Terme
Compeiris James Gill and actis him self under the paine of xl £ to enter
Jhon Makwalter to the kirk quhan he salbe requyrit heirfoir, upon the
quhilk the said Jhon being accusit of suspition of adulterie with Maige
Paterson and therfoir wardit was releisit. (Macwalter)
21 Aprilis anno 1583
Quhilk day Mr William Rynd minister at Kynnoull and the eldaris being
present, compeiris Mr Patrik Galloway minister at Perth and Metty Guthrie
and desyris ther bannis to be proclamit. Cation for him Jhon Peblis, for hir
Oliver Peblis. Terme Midsomer. (Mr P Galloway)
Compeiris Neill Makgie and Janet Pett and desyris ther bannis to be proc¬
lamit. Cation for him Jhon Peblis, for hir, Jhon Rynd. Terme Midsomer.
Compeiris Baity Isak and confesses his fornication with Issobel Stewart and
heirfoir is ordanit to be wardit. (Isak)

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