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Compeiris Laurence Stanis and Christen Anderson and desyris ther bannis
to be proclamit. Cation for him Jhon Eldar, for [hir] Jhon Causland. Terme
the last of December
Quhilk day according to the ordour yeirly observit ther was nominat eldaris
to bear office in the kirk for this yeir:126
The north syd of the Hiegait
Maister Jhon Mitchell, Andro Jhonston, and Walter Eldar
The southsyd of the Hiegait
Jhon Lawry, Jhon Smyth, and Alexander Glass
Beneth the cross
James Hepburne, William Hall, and James Drummond
The Southgait
Andro Moncreif, William Inglis, and Robert Chappman
Deaconis of the northsyd of the Hiegait
James Sym, Gilbert Donaldson, and William Cok
Of the southsyd of the Hiegait
James Quhyt, Jhon Jak, and Robert Snail
[168] Benethe the cross
James Mersser, Jhon Ronaldson, and William Cathrow
Of the Southgait
Andro Blythman, Jhon Ogilby, and Jhon Cramby
Ordains the namis of the new electit eldaris to be publischit on Thurisday
nixtocum efter sermond.
Ordains the maisteris of hospital to mak the accomptis on Thurisday nixt
befoir the eldaris.
Ordains the auld eldaris and the new eldaris to conveine on Thurisday nixt
that they may accept their office.
Continewis all the billis quhill Thurisday nixt and all uther actionnis.
12 November 1582
Quhilk day the minister and all the eldaris being present except James
Drummond, it was ordenit that every eldar that cummis in to the session
behind the hour suld pay xii d and that all that absentis thame self on ane
ordinar day or ony uther day appointit to conveine suld pay ii s. (behind
the hour/ Eldaris)
126 For identification of the elders, see Appendix I.

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