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the pure. And because the sayd Patrik and Issobel hes had mutual cohabita¬
tion togidder befoir mariage and remanit togidder as mareit persones, the
assemblie hes thot gude that thay sail pay xl s to the pure conform to the
ordinance and us in sic thinges befoir thay ressave the benefeyt of the kyrk,
to wit, mariage. (procl. /I 2 3 Ma. / xl s)
[61] And for sure payment heirof the sayd Patrik hes fund WiUiam Robertson,
miliar and maltman, cautionar and full dettor to pay the samyn betuix this
and befoir the accomphsmente of the sayd band under the panis of poynding
or warding.
Quhilk day Allexander Wilson, merchand, being examminat upon his
conscience gif that he knew that Robert Michell, spous to Helene Beit, was
in lyf136 or not, quha deponit that it was reportit to hym in Copmanhovin
and Malmy137 four yeirs sensyne or thereby be narration of syndry Scot-
tismen quha knew the sayd Robert, that he departit in the town of Ownis
in [ ]. Quharupon the sayd Allexander mayd faythe.138
And syklyke James Murray, merchand, being examinat in the sayd mater in
maner foirsayd, deponis that at Lamb mes139 last or thereby it was reportit
to him be syndry Scottesmen in the town of Roscaill, and specially be ane
callit [ ] Colhston, born in Abredene, that the sayd Robert Michell departit
iiii yeres sensyne or thereby in the town of Ownis, and that he was at his
burial. And ordenis thir depositiones to be publisschit on Sonday nixt at the
proclamation of the bannis. And also ordenis the sayd John and Helene to
use forther deUgence in obteining mo witnesses for probation.
[62] 22 November 1579
Quhilk day comperit Thomas Walcar and confessit he maid promeis of
mariage to Elspet Andersone at the babtising of his barne gottine wyth hir.
Also he deponis he had never carnel deal wyth hir eftir the making of this
promeis. And becais the woman is not comperit to pursew, the assembly
thinkis it meit that Thomas Walcars bannes be proclamit de nov[o]m in Perth
and and[sic] Scone, and the advertisment to be send to Lucheris tharof. And
gif na laucful impediment sail be fund, that the mariage be solemnisit agane
136 Alive.
137 The Danish ports of Copenhagen and Mahno, destinations of many Scottish goods. See
S. Murdoch, Network North, passim.
138 Swore or signed his oath. The all-important date, left blank, is yet to be determined. If
Michell is dead, Beit is guilty not of adultery, but of the lesser offence of fornication (see
2 Nov. 1579).
1 Aug.
Anew (torn).

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