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17 Aprilis 1579
Comperit Alexander Findlayson quha being chargit with ane oth gif he
bed carnal dail with Janet Anderson or not, refiisit to gif his oth at that
present [time]53 but tuk him to be advysit quhill Mononday nixt, and prom-
isit on Mononday nixt to gif out his oth ather affirmantive or negative
efter the prayeris.54 Comperit Janet Anderson and confessit hir adultery
with Alexander Fyndlason, litstar55 duelland in the north syd of the hiegait,
quha sayis and publickly declaris that he had to do with hir carnally betuix
Saint Jhonsmes and Andersmes last56 sundry tymes and is delyverit to Jhon
Newingis to be keipit.57 (R)
Vigesimo Aprilis 1579
Comperit Alexander Fyndlason and confessit his adultery with Janet
Anderson and submittes him self to the disciplin of the kirk therefoir. (R)
Comperit Jhon Bachlan and Janet Rollok and desyre thair bannes to be
proclamit, and for performance of the sam, the said Jhon Bachlan hes fund
Georg Jak younger caution under the pain of ten pundis, and siclyk the said
Janet hes fund David Bow caution under the pain of the lyk sowm. (M)
[41] 23 Aprilis 1579
Comperit Agnes Ruthven and confessit hir fornication with Andro Jakson
and submettes hir self to the disciplin of the kirk therefoir, and that for the
first fault. (R)
Comperit Issobel Gudmen and confessit hir fornication with Robert
Moncreif and submittes hir to the disciplin of the kirk therefoir, and that
for the secund fault. (R)
Comperit lykwayis Robert Moncreif and confessit his fornication with
Issobel Gudmen, and that for the first fault, and submittes him self to ye
disciplin of the kirk therefoir. (R)
53 Omitted.
54 Findlayson has the opportunity simply to swear to his innocence; his reluctance must have
been a signal of guilt, but the session allows him time to think over the implications of
oath-breaking. In the face of Janets own confession after he left the session house, he will
in fact confess at the next meeting, 20 Apr. The option of taking an oath was generally
restricted to the propertied.
55 Dyer.
56 During the time between the old feast days of St John the Baptist (nativity 24 June or
martyrdom 29 Aug.) and St Andrew (30 Nov.). If she turns out to be pregnant, the dates will
matter, since Findlayson be held responsible for the financial support of a child conceived
during that period.
57 She will be held in Newing’s house until she has performed her repentance, perhaps
because she is, indeed, pregnant.

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