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Violat befoir the saides minister and eldares within the said burgh of Perth.
And the said Thomas comperand be him self desirit ane competent terme
to answer to the said libel and petition, quhilk being grantit unto him at the
tym appointit, he gif in his answer unto the said libel and petition schawin
that the cause chiefly quhy he adherit not unto the said Violat Robeson
his spous was becaus scho had schamefully and wikidy abusit hir body by
him in adultery, and chiefly that upon Yuli day in anno Ixxvii,31 scho passit
beyond the burg and thair abusit hir in pyping and dansing and pollution
of hir body as thereftir did sundry tymes, as at mair lenth is contenit in his
defenes schawin and producit befoir us, as also the saidViolat at anuther tym
appointit unto hir gif in hir replyis to the saides Thomas answer, uppon the
quhilk hinc inde*2 the minister and eldares gif thair interlocuter admitting
and repelling as thai thot expedient and so admittit the said Thomas Dundy
to prove his defences admittit to his probation and chiefly the alledgeances33
foirsaid and assignit to him fyftein dayis of probation to that effect for
probation. Quhereof the said Thomas Dundy maid no dfligence, and there-
foir the term was circumducit by the saidViolat and Duncan Robeson hir
brother in hir name, protesting the said Thomas suld be no fairther hard,34 in
respect quhereof the hall process being considerit - reassons, allegations, and
defences being hinc inde reply advysit with, the minister and eldares convenit
in thair assembly house concludes, pronuncis, and decernis the said Thomas
Dundy to ressaif the said Violat in to his house to entertein hir in bed and
burd, to adhear unto hir and to do unto hir in all thinges as becumis ane
faithful housband unto his lauchful wyf under the pain of excommunication.
In caise of inobedience in forme as affeiris.35
Decimo Nona Februarii 1579
The quilk day with advys of Dioneis Conqueror, Alexander Anderson,
David Forbes, Oliver Kar, eldars, the minister grantit licence to Jhon Tyrie
and Janet Butler to mary in the kirk of Kilspindy in respect of syndry reas-
sonabil considerationis.36
20 Febmarii 1579
Comperit William Cathrow and Eling Blaschell and desyrit thair bannes to
be proclamit, for performance of the quhilk the said William hes fand his
fayther Robert Cathrow caution under the pain of ten £, and siclyk the
said Eling hes fand Blaese Colt under the lyk pain. (M)
31 1577.
32 Literally, ‘from here and from there’; judicially, considering both sides of the dispute.
33 Allegations.
34 No further heard.
35 That is, the usual penalty to apply in case he fails to obey.
36 See above, 7 July 1578,12 Jan. 1579. ‘Butter’ in the earher references becomes ‘Butler’ here.

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