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[29] 25 November
Quhilk day the assembly advysand upon the ansueris of Thomas Dundy
and the defences ofViolat Robertson to the samyn be thair interlocutor hes
admittit and repeUit as thai ar notit in the mergin,101 and settes to the parties
ad probandum literatorie.'02
Quhilk day Patrik Malloch becam caution under the pain of ten pundes that
Donald Monteth suld fulfill the injunctionis of the kirk for his fornication
committit with Catherin Wallange.103
Octavo Decembris
It is thought meit be the assembly concerning the puir prisoneris into the
Turkes handes conforme to the kyngis majesty’s letteris that upon Thurisday
nixt admonition be maid in the pulpeit to the holl inhabitantes of this town
that upon Sonnday in the morning the merchaundes contribut of thair
cherity to the effect foirsaid, quhilk the reader sail caus be put in execution
in the induring the tym of the first psaulme, and to this effect the assembly
hes appointit thir personnes to gather the almous forsaid: Patrick Grant,
Walter Eldar, Oliver Kar, alsweill in the morning as at ten houris. (Act for
the prisonaris)104
Quhilk day Thomas Dundy being summoned to haif acceptit sik thingis to
his probation as is notit in to thes margine of his libel aganisViolat Robeson
his spous, upon the quhilk the minister and elderis hes gevin thair interloc¬
utor, comperit not. Therefoir the assembly hes appointit him ad probandum
pro secunda literatore in poynt of contumacie becaus the said Thomas being
lauchfully summoned comperit not, and in presence of Duncan of Robe-
sonis the saidViolattes brother.105
101 The annotations are, alas, in the margins of the documents presented by Dundy and
Robertson, no longer extant.
102 ‘the first of December nixt’ is crossed out, as is the scribe’s first effort to write ‘literatore’.
The interlocutor, designated further to investigate the charges of each, has returned a
report only partly accepted by the elders, presumably full of contradictions. The couple
must now respond to the written report.
W3 See 7 July 1578.
104 xhe appeal is to be made at both morning services: 10:00AM was the later of the two.
The collection may have been taken up by the three men named during the singing of
the psalm, but the three would be responsible to collect later from any merchant not
forthcoming in the kirk. A report of the amount collected was made to the session on
19 Jan.; about two thirds of the total was paid in the kirk. Appeals were regularly made
to the parishes for ransom money to be redeem Scots taken captive by Turkish and other
Mediterranean pirates, by order of the king, council, bishops, general assemblies, or pres¬
1°5 This case is bracketed and has an ‘X’ in the margin to draw attention to it.

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