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[631/1]1,2 Octtober 1741. I rember remember on Sabboth I was going to
the church I had communed with my self now many a time have I been in
that place with a grave countenenc whil my heart was with the foolyees
and littel harkening to what was sead and more espeshaly in the time of the
communion and likeness had some heart melting under a sene [. . .] abut
this time one night whils I was at my work I was verry much troubled with
worldly thoughs I though I would reed on my bible when whear I hepened
upon that place whear it says God forbid that I should glory [. ••][•• •} [• • •]
cros of Jesus Christ which then but God forbid that I should glory
save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified onto
me and I onto the World3 and this was my hearts prayer unto God that he
would crucifie the world to me and I onto it thoron the cross of Jesus Christ
Septeber 1745 one night while I was at my work I was troubled with such
thoughs as thes that God could did not know my thoughs after I left work
I went to prayer and endevoured to confess and bewaile the unbelife of my
heart unto God but found no Outgeat the seame night I read a sermon [632/-]
preached upon thes words but of him are ye in Christ Jesus who of God is
made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption4
but when I read that sermon I thought I had no experrinencess there of which
damped me very much so I retured to prayer and be moned my keus unto God
whear I got som utterence so I went and read the sermon over agine whear
I thought I had some experriences thereof and also comfort there from but
especaly from the letter peart of it and this was all the experriences I had of my
unbelife when I once heard you upon thes words John 4.10 he that believeth
not God hath made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God5
of his Son and if I remember you sade that Those that had not been sencabel
of there unbelife had nothing of a right wasting of a Work yet in there after
in the summer Thereafter on a morning I had upertunnity to read where I
chuse durran6 upon death expacting to heve receved som comfort from death
but when I opened the bood (it was the letter peart of it) it was titeled selfe
denyall so I thought I would read that peart of it wheare I met with great
1 Primary pagination number [619]—[630] omitted by McCulloch.
2 A partial account with no record of respondent’s name begins here.
3 Gal 6:14.
5 1 Jn 5:10.
6 James Durham, The Great Corruption of Subtile Self, discovered, and drivenfrom it’s lurking-places
and starting-holes And the contrary grace, self-denyal commended, as an indispensably necessary requisite
to the acceptable and successfull performance of all commanded-duties, and as notably fitting for taking
up of the cross, andfollowing Christ. In seven sermons. By master James Durham, late minister of the
gospel in Glasgow (Edinburgh: printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, printer to the King’s
most excellent Majesty, 1686).

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