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Those that are broken in their hearts
And grieved in their minds:
He healeth & their painful wounds
He tenderly up-binds13
I never thought my Grief for Sin was so great as it should have been: but I
was made at this time to bless God that I felt some brokenness of heart for
sin, & to hope for healing from the same merciful hand that had wounded.
One day I was reading my Bible, and was much discouraged at the thoughts
of my being such a vile & Sinful Creature, & that there was none like me, and
that I would never get good at all, these words, tho’ I was not then reading
that place where they are, came into my mind, Why art thou cast down O
my Soul,14 these were the only words that came with power, but having
read that place formerly, I also remembred the words that follow, Why art
thou disquieted within me, Trust in God &c:15 upon which I was made to
rejoice That I was in any measure cast down for my Sins, tho’ not so much
as I would, and that I was yet in the way of mercy.
One night when I was in my Bed, These words came with power into my
heart, Tho’ [394/-] your Sins be as crimson & Scarlet I’ll make you white as
wool: if ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the Land.161 was
hereupon made to believe that God was able & willing to forgive my Sins,
tho I had not been under so great distress for them as many others, & made
to rejoice on the belief that he had done or would do so, & thought I would
never doubt of it after that: I knew I could not obey his commands by any
power of my own: but I believed that he that had made me willing to obey,
could also enable me to obey his Calls, & trusted he would de help me to do
so in some measure of Sincerity.
The Minr of the Parish (19) coming thro the place where I liv’d, I was very
desirous to speak to him, but did not know what I would say, when that word
came into my mind, Let your Light so shine before men, that others seeing
your good works may glorify your Father which is in Heaven,17 which I
took to be a Call to tell him some things I had met with & did so: & found a
great desire in my heart to glorify God in a course of Holiness, and a greater
hatred of Sin & care to avoid it.
One day, I found vain thoughts crowd into my mind, & could not get rid
of them at all, & was afraid God had forsaken me altogether; but these words
being pressd on my heart, settled my mind & made me to rejoice in God
13 Ps 147:3, Scottish Psalter (metrical).
,4 Ps 42:5.
15 Ps 42:5.
17 Mt 5:16.

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