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ye 2d year I felt no alteration to ye better he preached in ye highchurch yard
on Isa, $3 who hath belived our report &c5 But I gote as I thought no profet
of it my hart was so full of coruption, yet I went after him to Cambuslang &
stayed y 12 days their that he was yr I was full of coruption unbelif & Rebelion
against God, I came home so full of Rebelion yt I thought I had sined ye sin
unto death, so I was for a long time I thought self & unbelif had Botled my
hart against Christ, I continued so all yt sumer my hart I thought was fitted,
with wickednes, 1742 Agust in hearing Mr Potter6 on ys words Acts 20, 28,
feed ye flock of God which he hath purchaced with his own blood, I though
yr was such power came along with words, that I thought lightned me of
a Burden of guilt I foremerely was Burdened with, At ye end of ye sermon
68, salm 18 Thou hast asended on hie Thou hast lede captivity captive Thou
hast Receved gifts for men Even for ye Rebelioues7 Thes. 2 texts or places
Lightned me mightely for 3 or 4 days, I went to hear Mr Maculuch8 on a
Sabb hebr 7, 25, wherfor he is abell to save to ye outermost all yt come unto
god throu him for he ever lives to make Intersesion [241/4] Ther was so much
power came along with The whole of yt sermon That enabeled me to Belive
That he was as willing as he was abel But losing my feeling I lost my Beliving
ys next day even tho I had been convinced formerly of ye evil of unbelif.
And That sin of unbelif went a prodigeus lenth even to doubt of ye Being
of a God, On that condition I went till I heard Mr Whitfild9 on ys words,
While yet a coming ye Devel throu him doun & Tare him10 which was
plainly my cace as he in yt sermon signified to me which I thought eased me
a litel That even thes who are coming to Jesus are so temped as I was, Throu
y’ winter I was in great Darknes when I saw my coruption I knou yt I was
But in Darknes I could not, I went in ys darknes till ye spring of ye year,
And yn yr was a power put forth so yt I was enabeled to belive & I thought
coruption was more subdued in me Then I heard Mr Stirling11 on ist Epehes
i3 i4 & he speaking of ye Love of God in sending his son in ye work of mans
Redemption I was so Impresed with ye thought of yt Redemption That I
thought my Bands was Loused my couruptions I thought got a fatell wound
for several days I walked sencably under ye Light of His countenance I thought
ye joy of ye Lord was my strenth I thought then I could have died I could
5 Isa 53:1.
6 Michael Potter - Professor of Divinity at the University of Glasgow (Robe, Narratives of the
Extraordinary Work at Cambuslang, 82; D. Macfarlan, The Revivals of the Eighteenth Century,
Particularly at Cambuslang. With three sermons by the Rev. George Whitefield, taken in short hand.
Compiledfrom original manuscripts and contemporary publications (Edinburgh: Johnston & Hunter,
1847; Richard Owen Roberts, Publishers, 1980), 221).
7 Ps 68:18.
8 William McCulloch (1691-1771) - minister, Cambuslang.
9 George Whitefield (1714^70) - evangelist.
10 Llc9:42.
11 James Stirhng (d. 1773) — minister, Glasgow/Outer High Kirk.

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