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the Queene, and that he was in good place to do service,
if the Queene might be assured of him, willed him to write
his opinion and what he thought of the man.
His aunswer was that there was great assurance given of
Mr Poley his faithful! serving of her Maiestie and his owne
lettres had vowed asmuch, But that her experience of him
was not such that he woulde recommende him to me to
be trusted, hauinge neuer written vnto the Queene but
once, vnto which letters she had returned no aunswer not
knowing by what meanes to sende, neither whither to
direct them, in fine willed to know my opinion. I sent my
letter vnto him at the same time and by the same boye
that I writte vnto the Queene by, when I proposed the
late practize vnto her.
I receiued his aunswer with her aunswer the last time
that I heard from her by the serving man in the blew
coate, which letter I aunswered not.
But that once I neuer writt vnto him nor any other of
her servants.
Neither but that once in answer did I euer receyve letter
or message from any of them nor at any time haue I
spoken with anie one of her people, neither do I remember
that euer I sawe any of them.
If their honors finde other then truth in what I affirme,
let them entreate me accordingly.
No. 24
[2 September 1586.]
Yelverton, xxxi. ff. 233, 234. The remaining examinations are of a new class.
The}- are conducted by the law officers of the Crown, who were so soon to
prosecute Babington to the death. The bloodhounds are here endeavouring to
find out more victims through the inflated language in which Babington had
addressed Mary, but he maintains the accuracy of his first statements, and
the lawyers gain nothing. Answers 12 to 17 have a character of their own;
they are occasioned by the stories of the hysterical Tyrrell, of whom we have
heard in the Introduction, above, p. Ixviii.
Thexamination of Anthony Babington Esquier before

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