Series 3 > Highland papers

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sumeuir as he war gottin of lauchfull bed And gif it hapnis
the said Alexander to decess but lauchfull airis gottin of
his body or dispositioun maid be him of all and sindre his
guddis and geir landis and officis foirsaidis We throw our
regalite willis and grantis and for ws our airis and suc-
cessouris decernis and ordanis that his neirest agnate or
cognate of his fader syde or moder syde salbe his air and
succeid to him in all and sindre his guddis and geir movabill
and immovabile landis possessionis and officis had and
to be had siklike and als lesumlie be vertew of this our
legitimatioun as the said Alexander had bene gottin of
lauchfull bed or had lauchfull airis gottin of his body, or
had disponit his guddis and geir landis officis and pos¬
sessionis foirsaidis in his liftyme, but ony obstakill reuoca-
tioun impediment clame questioun or contradictioun of
ws our airis or successouris to be maid to the said Alexander
or to the persone or personis to quhom he hapnis to mak
dispositioun of his guddis and geir foirsaid in his liftyme
or ony part theroff or to his airis lauchfullie gottin of his
body or fallzeing thairof to his neirest agnate or cognate
of his fader syde or moder syde in ony tyme cuming
Nochtwithstanding the said priuilege of law grantit throw
our regalite vpon the eschete of bastardis within our
boundis of regalite or ony vthir lawis cannone ciuill or
municipall consuetudis actis of parliament constitutionis
or statutis maid in the contrar Renunciand the samyn for
ws and our successouris perpetualie Straitlie comandand
that na maner of persone presume incontrar this our
legitimatioun and letters of concessioun vndir all hiest
pane and charge that eftir may follow In Witnes quhairoff
to thir our speciall letters of legitimatioun subscriuit with
our hand our signet is appensit At Innerara the sevinten
day of the moneth of Junij in the zeir of god jm vc and thre
scoir nyntene zeris befoir thir witnes Johne Campbell of
Calder Johne bischope of the His Dougall Campbell of
Auchnobrek and James Campble of Ardkinglas.
C. Ergyll.
Tag; seal gone.
In dorso: Legitimatioun of bastardre for Allexander gald
Makvekgregor fra the Erll of Ergile.

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